Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska

Find Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska

Inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska. Find long-term and short term inpatient, residential rehab centers in Nebraska that treat drug addiction including opioid, cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana and others. Inpatient drug rehab in NE includes 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 1 year and other long term drug rehab programs.

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Inpatient drug rehab centers in Nebraska play a vital role in addressing substance abuse issues by providing comprehensive residential drug addiction treatment to individuals struggling with a wide range of dependencies. These facilities, often referred to as in-patient drug rehab centers, offer specialized care tailored to the unique needs of teenagers, women, men, seniors, and those with dual diagnoses.

Nebraska, like many other states, faces the challenges posed by various drug addictions, including but not limited to opioids, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, prescription medications, alcohol, and synthetic drugs. The prevalence of these substance abuse issues underscores the importance of inpatient drug rehabs within the state.

Inpatient drug rehab centers in Nebraska offer a structured and supportive environment for individuals seeking to overcome their drug addictions. These facilities are staffed by a team of experienced professionals, including doctors, therapists, counselors, and nurses, who work collaboratively to develop personalized treatment plans for each patient.

Teenagers struggling with drug addiction can find specialized programs designed to address their unique developmental needs and challenges. Women, who may have specific emotional and physical concerns, can access gender-specific treatment options that promote recovery in a safe and understanding environment. Similarly, inpatient drug rehab centers in Nebraska offer programs tailored to meet the unique needs of men and seniors, recognizing the distinct factors that contribute to addiction within these demographic groups.

Dual diagnosis, a condition in which individuals experience both substance abuse and a co-occurring mental health disorder, is another critical aspect of inpatient addiction treatment in Nebraska. These centers are equipped to provide integrated care that addresses both addiction and mental health issues simultaneously, ensuring a more comprehensive and effective approach to recovery.

In conclusion, in-patient drug rehab centers in Nebraska offer a crucial resource for individuals battling drug addiction across various age groups and addiction types. By providing residential drug addiction treatment, these facilities aim to help patients achieve lasting recovery and regain control of their lives. Whether you or a loved one is facing addiction, seeking help from a reputable inpatient drug rehab center in Nebraska can be a significant step toward a healthier, drug-free future.

One Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska

When it comes to tackling substance abuse issues, Nebraska offers a range of treatment options to individuals seeking recovery. For those who require more intensive and extended care, a one-year inpatient drug rehab program can be a valuable choice. These long-term programs provide comprehensive support to help individuals overcome addiction and build a foundation for lasting recovery.

Understanding One Year Inpatient Drug Rehab

One-year inpatient drug rehab programs in Nebraska are designed for individuals with severe addiction issues or those who have previously attempted shorter-term treatments without success. These programs provide a structured and supportive environment where individuals can focus solely on their recovery journey for an extended period.

Key Features of One-Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska

  1. Intensive Therapy: These programs typically offer daily therapy sessions, including individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy. The frequency and intensity of therapy sessions help individuals address the root causes of their addiction.

  2. Medical Monitoring: Medical professionals closely monitor individuals in one-year inpatient programs to manage withdrawal symptoms, address any health concerns, and ensure overall well-being.

  3. Holistic Approach: Many programs in Nebraska adopt a holistic approach to treatment, addressing not only the physical aspects of addiction but also the emotional, psychological, and spiritual components.

  4. Life Skills Training: Participants often receive education and training in life skills, including budgeting, job readiness, and coping strategies to help them transition successfully back into society after completing the program.

  5. Structured Environment: These programs provide a structured and safe environment where individuals can break free from the triggers and temptations of the outside world, allowing them to focus entirely on their recovery.

Benefits of One-Year Inpatient Rehab

  1. Higher Success Rates: Longer treatment durations often result in higher success rates as individuals have more time to work on their recovery and develop healthier habits.

  2. Stability: Individuals in these programs can achieve a level of stability that might not be possible with shorter-term treatments. This stability can be critical for long-term recovery.

  3. Comprehensive Support: Participants receive continuous support from a team of professionals, ensuring they are well-equipped to face the challenges of recovery.

  4. Reduced Relapse Risk: Longer treatment durations can significantly reduce the risk of relapse, providing individuals with the tools and strategies needed to maintain sobriety.

Finding a One-Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska

To find a suitable one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Nebraska, individuals can start by consulting with addiction specialists, healthcare providers, or local addiction treatment centers. It's essential to consider factors such as location, cost, and specific treatment approaches when making a decision.

28 Day Drug Rehab Programs in Nebraska

For individuals seeking a shorter but still effective treatment option, 28-day drug rehab programs in Nebraska can be a valuable choice. These programs are designed to provide intensive support and therapy to help individuals begin their journey toward recovery.

Understanding 28-Day Drug Rehab Programs

28-day drug rehab programs, often referred to as "short-term rehab," are tailored for individuals who require intensive treatment but may not be able to commit to a more extended stay in an inpatient facility. These programs offer a structured environment to address addiction issues in a concentrated time frame.

Key Features of 28-Day Drug Rehab Programs in Nebraska

  1. Detoxification: Many 28-day programs begin with a detox phase to help individuals safely and comfortably withdraw from drugs or alcohol under medical supervision.

  2. Individual and Group Therapy: Participants engage in both one-on-one counseling and group therapy sessions to explore the underlying causes of addiction and develop coping strategies.

  3. Psychoeducation: These programs often provide educational sessions about addiction, relapse prevention, and the development of healthy life skills.

  4. Supportive Environment: Participants benefit from a supportive community of peers and professionals, creating a sense of camaraderie during the recovery process.

  5. Aftercare Planning: As the program concludes, individuals are typically provided with aftercare plans, which may include outpatient therapy, support groups, or other resources to help maintain sobriety.

Benefits of 28-Day Drug Rehab Programs

  1. Intensive Focus: The concentrated nature of these programs allows individuals to dedicate a month to their recovery, often resulting in a strong initial push toward sobriety.

  2. Accessible: 28-day programs are more accessible for individuals who cannot commit to longer-term inpatient care due to work, family, or financial constraints.

  3. Structured Support: The structured environment and daily therapy sessions provide individuals with the necessary tools to begin their recovery journey effectively.

Finding a 28-Day Drug Rehab Program in Nebraska

To find a suitable 28-day drug rehab program in Nebraska, individuals can start by contacting local addiction treatment centers, healthcare providers, or addiction specialists. It's important to assess the program's approach, staff qualifications, and available aftercare support to ensure it aligns with individual needs.

60-Day Addiction Treatment Programs in Nebraska

60-day addiction treatment programs in Nebraska offer individuals a longer and more comprehensive path to recovery compared to shorter-term options. These programs provide individuals with the opportunity to address their addiction issues in greater depth while benefiting from a structured and supportive environment.

Understanding 60-Day Addiction Treatment Programs

60-day addiction treatment programs are designed for individuals who require a more extended period of focused treatment and support. These programs offer a step between shorter-term programs like 28-day rehab and longer-term residential care, providing a balance of intensity and duration.

Key Features of 60-Day Addiction Treatment Programs in Nebraska

  1. Extended Therapy: Participants in 60-day programs engage in a more extended period of therapy, allowing for a deeper exploration of the underlying causes of addiction and the development of coping strategies.

  2. Medical and Psychological Support: These programs provide comprehensive medical and psychological support to address both physical and emotional aspects of addiction.

  3. Holistic Approach: Many programs take a holistic approach to treatment, considering the individual's overall well-being, including their mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

  4. Skill Building: Individuals often receive education and training in life skills, relapse prevention, and coping mechanisms to prepare them for life after treatment.

  5. Structured Environment: Like shorter-term programs, 60-day programs offer a structured environment to help individuals break free from triggers and focus on their recovery.

Benefits of 60-Day Addiction Treatment Programs

  1. In-Depth Healing: The longer duration allows for a more thorough healing process, addressing not only the addiction but also underlying issues contributing to it.

  2. Reduced Relapse Risk: With more time for therapy and skill-building, individuals are better equipped to face challenges and reduce the risk of relapse.

  3. Transition Period: These programs can serve as a transitional step between short-term rehab and returning to regular life, providing a smoother reintegration process.

Finding a 60-Day Addiction Treatment Program in Nebraska

To find a suitable 60-day addiction treatment program in Nebraska, individuals can reach out to local addiction treatment centers, healthcare providers, or addiction specialists. It's crucial to assess the program's approach, success rates, and available aftercare options to make an informed decision.

6-Month Residential Addiction Treatment in Nebraska

For individuals seeking an even more extended and intensive level of care, 6-month residential addiction treatment programs in Nebraska can be a valuable option. These programs provide a high level of support and structure for individuals committed to achieving lasting recovery.

Understanding 6-Month Residential Addiction Treatment

6-month residential addiction treatment programs are designed for individuals with severe addiction issues or those who have not found success in shorter-term programs. These long-term residential programs offer a comprehensive and extended period of therapy and support.

Key Features of 6-Month Residential Addiction Treatment in Nebraska

  1. Long-Term Therapy: Participants in these programs engage in a more extended and intensive period of therapy, which allows for a deep exploration of the factors contributing to addiction and the development of sustainable coping mechanisms.

  2. 24/7 Support: Residents have access to 24/7 support from trained professionals, ensuring that they receive immediate assistance when needed.

  3. Medical and Psychological Care: Comprehensive medical and psychological care is provided to address the physical and emotional aspects of addiction.

  4. Life Skills Training: Individuals often receive education and training in essential life skills, relapse prevention, and vocational development to prepare for life after treatment.

  5. Structured Environment: Like other residential programs, 6-month programs offer a structured and supportive environment that minimizes external triggers and distractions.

Benefits of 6-Month Residential Addiction Treatment

  1. Intensive Healing: The extended duration allows individuals to address deep-seated issues contributing to addiction and develop a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

  2. High Level of Support: With 24/7 access to support, individuals have continuous assistance in their recovery journey.

  3. Comprehensive Care: These programs offer a holistic approach to treatment, addressing physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.

  4. Reduced Relapse Risk: Longer treatment durations significantly reduce the risk of relapse, giving individuals a better chance at maintaining sobriety.

Finding a 6-Month Residential Addiction Treatment Program in Nebraska

To find a suitable 6-month residential addiction treatment program in Nebraska, individuals can consult with addiction specialists, healthcare providers, or local addiction treatment centers. It's essential to evaluate the program's approach, staff qualifications, and available aftercare options to make an informed choice.

Nebraska offers a range of addiction treatment options, including one-year inpatient rehab, 28-day programs, 60-day treatment, and 6-month residential programs. The choice of program should be based on individual needs, the severity of addiction, and the level of support required for a successful recovery journey. It's crucial for individuals and their loved ones to research and consult with professionals to find the most suitable treatment program that aligns with their goals and circumstances.

Residential Drug Rehab for Teenagers in Nebraska

Residential drug rehab for teenagers in Nebraska is a crucial service that provides a safe and supportive environment for young individuals struggling with substance abuse issues. These programs aim to help teenagers overcome addiction and develop the skills necessary to lead a healthy, drug-free life. In this section, we will explore the various aspects of residential drug rehab for teenagers in Nebraska.

Importance of Residential Drug Rehab for Teenagers

  1. Safe and Structured Environment: Residential drug rehab facilities in Nebraska offer a controlled and secure environment. This is essential for teenagers, as it helps them stay away from triggers and negative influences they might encounter in their daily lives.

  2. Professional Guidance: These programs are staffed with experienced counselors and medical professionals who specialize in treating addiction in teenagers. They provide personalized care and support, which is crucial for the recovery process.

  3. Peer Support: Teenagers in residential rehab often find solace in connecting with others who are facing similar challenges. The support of peers can be a powerful motivator for recovery.

  4. Skill Development: Rehab programs for teenagers focus on developing essential life skills and coping mechanisms to deal with stress and triggers. These skills can help them navigate life without turning to drugs or alcohol.

Services Offered in Residential Drug Rehab for Teenagers

  1. Individual Counseling: Each teenager receives one-on-one counseling sessions with a therapist to address their specific issues and develop a personalized treatment plan.

  2. Group Therapy: Group therapy sessions allow teenagers to share their experiences, gain insights from others, and learn from their peers.

  3. Family Involvement: In many cases, family therapy is an integral part of the treatment. It helps repair strained relationships and provides a support system for the teenager once they leave rehab.

  4. Education: Maintaining education during rehab is crucial. Many programs offer educational support to ensure that teenagers do not fall behind in their studies.

  5. Recreational Activities: Engaging in sports and recreational activities not only keeps teenagers physically active but also teaches them how to have fun without the need for substances.

Duration of Residential Drug Rehab

The length of stay in residential drug rehab for teenagers in Nebraska can vary based on individual needs. Some programs may last for a few weeks, while others can extend to several months. The duration of the treatment is typically determined by factors such as the severity of addiction, progress made in therapy, and the teenager's readiness to reintegrate into their normal life.

Payment Options and Insurance

Many residential drug rehab facilities in Nebraska accept insurance, which can significantly reduce the financial burden on families. It's essential to check with the facility about insurance coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses. Some facilities may also offer financial assistance or sliding-scale fees based on the family's income.

In-Patient Addiction Treatment for Women in Nebraska

In-patient addiction treatment for women in Nebraska is a specialized form of rehab that caters specifically to the needs of women struggling with substance abuse. These programs recognize that women often face unique challenges and may benefit from gender-specific treatment. In this section, we will delve into the details of in-patient addiction treatment for women in Nebraska.

Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

  1. Addressing Trauma: Women with addiction issues may have experienced trauma in their lives. Gender-specific treatment programs create a safe space for women to discuss and address these traumas, which can be a significant underlying cause of addiction.

  2. Emotional Support: Women may have different emotional needs than men, and a women-focused treatment program can provide the emotional support and understanding that female patients require.

  3. Empowerment: Gender-specific rehab programs often focus on empowering women and helping them regain control over their lives. This empowerment can be a crucial aspect of the recovery process.

  4. Motherhood and Parenting: Many women in addiction treatment are mothers. Gender-specific programs may offer support and guidance for parenting while in recovery.

Services Offered in In-Patient Addiction Treatment for Women

  1. Medical Detox: In-patient treatment programs typically begin with a medically supervised detoxification process to safely remove substances from the body.

  2. Individual Therapy: Women in rehab have access to one-on-one therapy sessions with trained counselors to address their unique challenges and develop a personalized treatment plan.

  3. Group Therapy: Group therapy sessions provide a supportive environment for women to share their experiences and learn from one another.

  4. Nutritional Counseling: Women-focused programs often include nutritional counseling to address any dietary issues that may contribute to addiction.

  5. Parenting Support: For mothers, these programs may offer parenting classes and support to help them navigate the challenges of motherhood while in recovery.

Duration of In-Patient Addiction Treatment

The length of stay in in-patient addiction treatment for women in Nebraska can vary depending on the severity of addiction and individual progress. Some programs may last for 30 days, while others can extend to 60 or 90 days. The duration of treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis, with the goal of ensuring that each woman receives the necessary support to achieve long-term recovery.

Payment Options and Insurance

Similar to residential drug rehab for teenagers, in-patient addiction treatment for women in Nebraska often accepts insurance, making it more accessible for many individuals. It's essential to inquire about insurance coverage and any potential financial assistance or sliding-scale fees that may be available.

Inpatient Drug Rehabs for Men in Nebraska

Inpatient drug rehabs for men in Nebraska provide specialized addiction treatment programs tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges that men face when seeking recovery from substance abuse. These programs offer a supportive and structured environment where men can focus on their rehabilitation journey. In this section, we will explore inpatient drug rehabs for men in Nebraska in more detail.

Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment for Men

  1. Addressing Male-specific Issues: Men may experience addiction differently from women due to various factors such as societal expectations, peer pressure, and masculinity stereotypes. Gender-specific treatment programs can address these issues directly.

  2. Male Camaraderie: Inpatient drug rehabs for men provide an opportunity for male patients to bond and support each other during recovery. This camaraderie can be a valuable aspect of the healing process.

  3. Focus on Responsibility: Men-focused programs often emphasize personal responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance, which can resonate with many male patients.

  4. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: These programs aim to teach men healthier ways to cope with stress, emotions, and triggers without turning to substances.

Services Offered in Inpatient Drug Rehabs for Men

  1. Medically Supervised Detox: Like other inpatient programs, men's rehab often begins with a medically supervised detoxification process to ensure a safe withdrawal from substances.

  2. Individual Therapy: Men have access to one-on-one therapy sessions with trained counselors to address their specific addiction issues and develop personalized treatment plans.

  3. Group Therapy: Group therapy sessions allow men to connect with and gain support from their peers who are also on the path to recovery.

  4. Life Skills Development: Men-focused programs may place an emphasis on practical life skills, such as budgeting, job readiness, and communication, to help men reintegrate successfully into society.

  5. Fitness and Wellness: Many programs incorporate physical fitness and wellness activities to promote overall health and well-being.

Duration of Inpatient Drug Rehabs

The duration of inpatient drug rehab for men in Nebraska varies based on individual needs and the severity of addiction. Typical program lengths can range from 30 to 90 days, although longer-term programs may be available for those who require more extended support.

Payment Options and Insurance

Inpatient drug rehab programs for men in Nebraska often accept insurance, making treatment more accessible to individuals seeking help. Prospective patients should inquire about insurance coverage and explore any potential financial assistance or sliding-scale fees offered by the facility.

Nebraska offers a range of specialized addiction treatment programs to cater to the unique needs of teenagers, women, and men struggling with substance abuse issues. These programs provide essential support, counseling, and skill development to help individuals achieve long-term recovery and lead healthier lives. It's essential for those seeking treatment or their loved ones to explore the available options and find a program that aligns with their specific needs and circumstances.


20 Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in Nebraska

Chee Woy Na Zhee Halfway House

Chee Woy Na Zhee Halfway House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Winnebago, Nebraska, 68071 zip code.

Location: 208 Maple Street, Winnebago, NE 68071 in Thurston County

Rehab services:

  • Long-term drug rehab and residential long term drug rehab
  • Drug rehab for transitional-age young adults, in-patient drug rehab for adult males and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Halfway and sober housing
  • Payment assistance available
  • Accepts Tribal/Urban/IHS funding
  • Mentoring, help with transportation and case management

Bridge Inc

Bridge Inc is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Hastings, Nebraska, 68901 zip code.

Location: 907 South Kansas Street, Hastings, NE 68901 in Adams County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Long term drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Judicial clients treatment, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Social skills training, self-help groups and recovery management

Womens Empowering Life Line Inc

Womens Empowering Life Line Inc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Norfolk, NE, 68701 zip code.

Location: 910 West Park Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 in Madison County

Rehab services:

  • Provides payment assistance
  • Dual diagnosis treatment, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Peer support, case managers and transportation assistance
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Outpatient drug rehab, long-term drug rehab and regular outpatient drug treatment

Link Inc

Link Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Norfolk, NE, 68701 zip code.

Location: 1001 West Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 in Madison County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Mental health services, recovery management and social skills development
  • Provides payment assistance
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males and dual diagnosis treatment
  • Long term residential drug rehab, outpatient drug treatment and intensive outpatient drug treatment
  • Halfway and sober housing

Link Dual Recovery Program

Link Dual Recovery Program is an inpatient drug rehab in Norfolk, NE, 68701 zip code.

Location: 305 North 9th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 in Madison County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Rehab for people with trauma, dual diagnosis treatment and in-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Sober housing services, recovery management and mental health services
  • One year inpatient drug rehab and long term drug rehab

Department Of Health And Human Services Hastings Regional Center

Department Of Health And Human Services Hastings Regional Center is an inpatient drug rehab in Hastings, Nebraska, 68902 zip code.

Location: 4200 West 2nd Street, Hastings, NE 68902 in Adams County

Rehab services:

  • Help with transportation, social skills development and self-help groups
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Residential long term drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Dual diagnosis treatment, judicial clients treatment and inpatient drug rehab for teens
  • Sliding fee scale

Human Services Inc

Human Services Inc is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Alliance, Nebraska, 69301 zip code.

Location: 419 West 25th Street, Alliance, NE 69301 in Box Butte County

Rehab services:

  • Intensive outpatient drug treatment, 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab and long term drug rehab
  • Judicial clients treatment, rehab for people with trauma and drug rehab for transitional-age young adults
  • Halfway and sober housing
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Domestic violence services, help with transportation and group meetings

Friendship House Inc

Friendship House Inc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Grand Island, Nebraska, 68801 zip code.

Location: 406 West Koenig Street, Grand Island, NE 68801 in Hall County

Rehab services:

  • Sober living
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab and long term drug rehab
  • Peer support, self help meetings and social skills development

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Substance Abuse Treatment

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Substance Abuse Treatment is an inpatient drug rehab in Grand Island, NE, 68803 zip code.

Location: 2201 North Broadwell Street, Unit (116-B), Grand Island, NE 68803 in Hall County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts state health insurance
  • Payment assistance available
  • Transitional and sober living
  • Domestic violence services, social skills training and help with transportation
  • Dual diagnosis treatment and drug rehab for veterans
  • Long term residential drug rehab and long-term drug rehab

Bridge Behavioral Health

Bridge Behavioral Health is an in-patient drug rehab center in Lincoln, NE, 68508 zip code.

Location: 721 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 in Lancaster County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient drug detoxification
  • Social skills development, sober housing services and group meetings
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Long-term drug rehab, 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehabilitation
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Cocaine detoxification, residential benzodiazepines detoxification and inpatient alcohol detoxification
  • Accepts Medicare

Arch Inc Ohanlon House

Arch Inc Ohanlon House is an inpatient drug rehab in Omaha, Nebraska, 68104 zip code.

Location: 1502 North 58th Street, Omaha, NE 68104 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Halfway house
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Residential long term drug rehab and long term drug rehab
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Social skills training, self-help groups and recovery management

Heartland Family Service

Heartland Family Service is an inpatient drug rehab center in Omaha, Nebraska, 68104 zip code.

Location: 4847 Sahler Street, Omaha, NE 68104 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Drug rehab for postpartum women, residential drug rehab for adult women and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Domestic violence services, social skills development and help with transportation
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Long term drug rehab, IOT and regular outpatient drug treatment

Nova Treatment Community Residential

Nova Treatment Community Residential is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Omaha, NE, 68152 zip code.

Location: 8502 Morman Bridge Road, Omaha, NE 68152 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Self help meetings, help with transportation and mental health services
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, drug rehab for pregnant and postpartum women and in-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Residential drug rehab, one year inpatient drug rehab and short term inpatient drug rehab
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders

Saint Monicas Behavioral Health Services Project Mother And Child

Saint Monicas Behavioral Health Services Project Mother And Child is an inpatient drug rehab in Lincoln, Nebraska, 68505 zip code.

Location: 6420 Colby Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68505 in Lancaster County

Rehab services:

  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Long term drug rehab and residential long term drug rehab
  • Transportation assistance, sober housing services and mentoring
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and rehab for people with trauma
  • Residential treatment for drug use

Houses Of Hope Of Nebraska Inc

Houses Of Hope Of Nebraska Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Lincoln, Nebraska, 68505 zip code.

Location: 1124 North Cotner Boulevard, Lincoln, NE 68505 in Lancaster County

Rehab services:

  • Halfway house
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Residential drug rehab and long term residential drug rehab
  • Rehab for people with trauma, sexual abuse victims rehab and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Case management, housing services and mental health services

Santa Monica Inc

Santa Monica Inc is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Omaha, NE, 68131 zip code.

Location: 401 South 39th Street, Omaha, NE 68131 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Drug rehab for pregnant women, rehab for people with HIV or AIDS and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Transitional and sober living
  • Case management, self help meetings and housing services
  • Long term drug rehab and long term residential drug rehab

Arch Inc

Arch Inc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Omaha, Nebraska, 68105 zip code.

Location: 604 South 37th Street, Omaha, NE 68105 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Payment assistance available
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Sober living
  • Self help meetings, group meetings and case managers
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Long-term drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab

Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition Inter Tribal Treatment Center

Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition Inter Tribal Treatment Center is an in-patient drug rehab in Omaha, NE, 68102 zip code.

Location: 2240 Landon Court, Omaha, NE 68102 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Recovery management, help with transportation and self help meetings
  • One year inpatient drug rehab, residential drug rehab and regular outpatient drug treatment
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Provides payment assistance

Siena Francis House Miracles Treatment

Siena Francis House Miracles Treatment is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Omaha, NE, 68102 zip code.

Location: 1702 Nicholas Street, Omaha, NE 68102 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Mental health services, domestic violence services and transportation assistance
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse

Stephen Center Inc

Stephen Center Inc is an inpatient drug rehab facility in Omaha, Nebraska, 68107 zip code.

Location: 5217 South 28th Street, Omaha, NE 68107 in Douglas County

Rehab services:

  • Drug rehab for LGBT, co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Intensive outpatient drug treatment program, short-term residential drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Self-help groups, case managers and social skills development

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


All drug rehab options available in Nebraska

There are 5 kinds of drug rehabilitation centers that can assist people with drug addiction in Nebraska:

  1. Conventional live-in drug rehabilitation. These centers take advantage of proven drug addiction treatment therapies that may prove to be effective for almost anyone. Their treatment methods consist of MAT in-patient drug rehabilitation and others. A health insurance plan typically may offer coverage of inpatient drug rehabs in Nebraska, so your treatment and won’t be forced to cover out of pocket costs.
  2. Holistic live-in drug rehabs in Nebraska. In holistic drug rehabs, holistic drug addiction treatment options are taken advantage of to aid with treatment of drug dependency. Nebraska non-traditional live-in drug rehabs can also be successful, but they are not for everyone.
  3. Religious live-in drug rehabs in Nebraska. Many residential drug rehabilitation facilities focus on using faith to be able to aid in treating drug dependency. Nebraska rehabilitation facilities may be tailored to Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Presbyterian and other faiths.
  4. Pet friendly live-in drug rehab services in Nebraska. For those who are planning to live in a drug rehabilitation facility for a substantial duration of time and who have a wonderful pet, like a small cat or dog, where can they keep them? The answer is actually easy: keep them by your side. Certain in-patient rehabilitation centers allow patients to take small dogs.
  5. Luxury inpatient drug rehab services in Nebraska. For addicts that have the money for such treatment, high-end live-in drug rehab options take the highest level of care and give luxurious services during drug addiction treatment. Luxury drug addiction rehab facilities are typically not paid for by any insurance plan, or are just partially paid for.

Locate Inpatient Drug Rehab in Nebraska by Your City or County:

Frequently Asked Questions About Inpatient Drug Rehabs in Nebraska

How effective is inpatient substance abuse treatment in Nebraska?

The effectiveness of inpatient substance abuse treatment in Nebraska varies depending on individual factors, but it is generally considered one of the most effective forms of treatment. Success rates are influenced by the commitment of the individual, the quality of the program, and the severity of the addiction.

What are the different types of inpatient drug rehab programs available in Nebraska?

In Nebraska, inpatient drug rehab programs come in various forms, including short-term and long-term residential treatment, holistic treatment, dual diagnosis programs, and specialized programs for specific populations, such as veterans or pregnant women. The choice of program depends on individual needs and preferences.

What should I expect during the intake and assessment process at an inpatient drug rehab center in Nebraska?

During the intake and assessment process, you can expect to provide personal information, medical history, and details about your substance abuse. You'll undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. It's crucial to be honest and open during this process for effective care.

Are inpatient drug rehabs in Nebraska equipped to handle dual diagnosis cases?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Nebraska are equipped to handle dual diagnosis cases, which involve individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. These facilities provide integrated treatment to address both issues simultaneously for a comprehensive recovery approach.

Can I continue taking prescription medications during inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska?

In many cases, individuals can continue taking necessary prescription medications during inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska. Medical professionals at the facility will evaluate your medications and work with you to ensure a safe and appropriate treatment plan while in rehab.

How can I verify the credentials of staff members at an inpatient drug rehab center in Nebraska?

You can verify the credentials of staff members at an inpatient drug rehab center in Nebraska by asking for their professional licenses and certifications. Reputable facilities will have licensed counselors, therapists, and medical staff. You can also check online databases for verification of their credentials.

Do inpatient drug rehabs in Nebraska offer family counseling and support?

Many inpatient drug rehabs in Nebraska offer family counseling and support as part of their programs. Family therapy helps address the impact of addiction on loved ones and provides a supportive environment for healing and recovery for both the individual and their family members.

What role does nutrition play in inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska?

Nutrition plays a crucial role in inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska. Proper nutrition helps individuals in recovery rebuild their physical health and supports mental well-being. Rehab centers often provide balanced meals and nutritional education to promote overall wellness during treatment.

Are there inpatient drug rehab centers in Nebraska that accept Medicaid?

Yes, there may be inpatient drug rehab centers in Nebraska that accept Medicaid. Medicaid can be a valuable resource for individuals who qualify, as it can help cover the costs of addiction treatment. It's advisable to verify Medicaid acceptance with the specific rehab center.

What support is available for individuals after completing inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska?

After completing inpatient drug rehab in Nebraska, individuals often have access to various forms of aftercare support, such as outpatient counseling, support groups, alumni programs, and relapse prevention resources. These ongoing support systems are essential for maintaining sobriety and long-term recovery.