Inpatient Drug Rehab in Iowa

Find Inpatient Drug Rehab in Iowa

Inpatient drug rehab in Iowa. Find long-term and short term inpatient, residential rehab centers in Iowa that treat drug addiction including opioid, cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana and others. Inpatient drug rehab in IA includes 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 1 year and other long term drug rehab programs.

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa play a pivotal role in addressing the complex challenges associated with drug addiction. These specialized facilities provide residential drug addiction treatment, offering a structured environment for individuals struggling with substance abuse to embark on a journey towards recovery. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients, in-patient drug rehab centers in Iowa are equipped to handle a spectrum of drug addictions, ensuring comprehensive care for individuals grappling with dependencies.

The state of Iowa recognizes the urgency and significance of residential drug addiction treatment, fostering an environment that caters to a variety of substance abuse issues. Inpatient drug rehabs in the state address prevalent addictions such as alcohol, opioids, methamphetamine, cocaine, prescription medications, marijuana, and hallucinogens. These facilities are dedicated to assisting individuals of all age groups and demographics, including teenagers, women, men, and seniors.

For teenagers facing the challenges of drug addiction, inpatient addiction treatment offers a secure and supportive environment. The specialized programs designed for adolescents focus on their unique needs, combining therapeutic interventions with educational components to facilitate a holistic recovery process. In recognizing the distinct experiences of women and men in the realm of addiction, in-patient drug rehab centers in Iowa implement gender-specific programs. These programs aim to address the underlying issues that contribute to substance abuse, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and support conducive to lasting recovery.

Seniors grappling with drug addiction often face unique physical and psychological challenges. Inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa acknowledge the specific needs of this demographic, tailoring treatment plans to accommodate age-related concerns and health considerations. Additionally, in addressing the complexities of dual diagnosis, these facilities offer integrated treatment for individuals dealing with both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. The comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive specialized care that recognizes the interconnected nature of addiction and mental health.

Inpatient addiction treatment in Iowa stands as a cornerstone in the fight against drug addiction. By providing tailored programs for teenagers, women, men, seniors, and individuals with dual diagnosis, these facilities play a crucial role in guiding individuals towards a healthier, substance-free life.

30-Day Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment in Iowa

In Iowa, a 30-day inpatient drug addiction treatment program is designed to provide individuals with a focused and intensive approach to address their substance abuse issues. These programs are structured to offer a supportive environment where individuals can undergo detoxification, receive counseling, and participate in therapeutic activities.

The first phase of the 30-day program typically involves a comprehensive assessment to determine the specific needs of the individual. This assessment helps the treatment team create a personalized plan tailored to the individual's substance abuse history, mental health status, and any co-occurring disorders.

Detoxification is often the initial step in the process, helping individuals safely manage withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision. Iowa-based inpatient facilities emphasize the importance of a secure and medically monitored detox to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual.

After detox, individuals engage in various therapeutic modalities such as individual counseling, group therapy, and educational sessions. The goal is to address the underlying causes of addiction, teach coping mechanisms, and provide tools for relapse prevention. In Iowa, treatment centers may incorporate outdoor activities and community-building exercises to enhance the overall experience.

Nutritional counseling and physical activities are also common components of the 30-day program, promoting overall wellness and aiding in the recovery process. Family involvement is encouraged, with some facilities offering family therapy sessions to address the impact of addiction on familial relationships.

60-Day Inpatient Drug Rehab in Iowa

A 60-day inpatient drug rehab program in Iowa extends the duration of treatment to provide individuals with a more extended period of support and recovery. This extended timeframe allows for a more in-depth exploration of underlying issues contributing to addiction and reinforces the development of coping skills.

Similar to the 30-day program, the first weeks may be dedicated to detoxification and stabilization. Medical professionals closely monitor individuals to ensure a safe and comfortable withdrawal process. In Iowa, rehab facilities may employ a holistic approach, integrating alternative therapies and mindfulness practices to complement traditional treatments.

Individual and group therapy sessions continue to be central components of the 60-day program. Iowa-based rehab centers often tailor the therapeutic approach to the needs of the individual, incorporating evidence-based practices and addressing co-occurring mental health disorders.

The extended duration of the program allows for a more comprehensive examination of behavioral patterns and triggers. Participants have the opportunity to practice and reinforce newly acquired coping mechanisms in a supportive and controlled environment.

Family involvement remains crucial during the 60-day rehab, with ongoing family therapy sessions and educational programs to enhance the understanding of addiction and its impact on relationships. Continuing care plans are developed to facilitate a smooth transition from inpatient treatment to outpatient support, ensuring a sustained and gradual reintegration into daily life in Iowa.

6 Months Residential Drug Addiction Treatment in Iowa

A six-month residential drug addiction treatment program in Iowa represents a more extended commitment to recovery. This duration allows for a thorough exploration of the factors contributing to addiction and the development of a robust foundation for sustained sobriety.

In the initial phase, individuals undergo a comprehensive assessment to identify specific needs and create an individualized treatment plan. Iowa-based residential facilities often prioritize a therapeutic community approach, fostering a supportive environment where individuals collaborate in their recovery journey.

The extended duration enables a deeper dive into therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, and trauma-focused interventions. Residents engage in regular counseling sessions, both individual and group, to address the multifaceted aspects of addiction.

In Iowa, residential programs emphasize life skills training and vocational support to enhance the individual's ability to reintegrate into society successfully. This may include job readiness programs, educational opportunities, and assistance with developing a healthy daily routine.

Family involvement remains integral throughout the six-month residential program, with ongoing support and education for both the individual and their loved ones. The extended timeframe allows for a more gradual and comprehensive healing process, addressing the complexities of long-term substance abuse.

One Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Iowa

A one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Iowa is an intensive and comprehensive approach to address severe and chronic substance abuse issues. This extended duration allows individuals to immerse themselves in a therapeutic environment for an extended period, promoting lasting behavioral changes and relapse prevention.

The first phase of the one-year program often involves a thorough assessment, similar to shorter-term programs. This assessment informs the development of a highly individualized and comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual.

Detoxification and stabilization remain crucial in the initial weeks, with ongoing medical monitoring to ensure the safety and well-being of the participant. Iowa-based inpatient facilities may incorporate advanced medical and therapeutic interventions to address complex cases and co-occurring disorders.

Therapeutic modalities such as individual counseling, group therapy, and experiential therapies continue throughout the one-year program. Residents have the opportunity to delve deeper into the roots of their addiction and develop a more profound understanding of themselves and their recovery journey.

Life skills training, vocational support, and educational opportunities are often emphasized in Iowa's year-long inpatient rehab programs. These components aim to equip individuals with the tools and resources needed to rebuild their lives successfully after completing the program.

Family involvement remains a consistent aspect, with ongoing support and education provided to help families navigate the challenges of addiction and recovery. The extended duration of the program allows for a comprehensive transformation, addressing not only the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying issues contributing to substance abuse.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers in Iowa


In Iowa, addressing the issue of teenage drug addiction is a crucial aspect of healthcare. Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers provides a structured and supportive environment for adolescents struggling with substance abuse. These programs are designed to address the unique needs and challenges that teenagers face in their journey to recovery.

Program Features

  1. Specialized Care: Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Iowa offers specialized care tailored to the developmental and emotional needs of adolescents. Trained professionals work closely with teens to understand the root causes of their addiction and develop targeted treatment plans.

  2. Education and Counseling: Academic support is a key component of these programs, ensuring that teenagers can continue their education while receiving treatment. Counseling sessions focus on both individual and group therapy, providing a safe space for teenagers to express themselves and learn valuable coping skills.

  3. Family Involvement: Recognizing the importance of family support, inpatient drug rehab programs in Iowa actively involve the families of teenagers. Family therapy sessions aim to improve communication, rebuild trust, and create a supportive environment for the teen's recovery.

  4. Recreational Activities: Beyond traditional therapy, inpatient rehab programs often include recreational activities to engage teenagers in positive and enjoyable experiences. These activities contribute to the overall well-being of the teens and promote a healthier lifestyle.

  5. Aftercare Planning: Successful rehabilitation doesn't end with the inpatient program. In Iowa, inpatient drug rehab for teenagers emphasizes comprehensive aftercare planning, including outpatient services, support groups, and continued counseling to ensure a smooth transition back into their communities.

Facility Types

  1. Hospital-Based Programs: Some inpatient drug rehab programs for teenagers in Iowa are affiliated with hospitals, providing access to medical care and psychiatric services. This ensures that any underlying physical or mental health issues are addressed alongside addiction treatment.

  2. Residential Treatment Centers: Iowa hosts residential treatment centers that focus exclusively on teenagers. These centers provide a residential setting where teens can receive 24/7 supervision, support, and structured programming to aid in their recovery.

  3. Therapeutic Boarding Schools: For some teenagers, a therapeutic boarding school environment may be more suitable. These schools combine academics with therapeutic interventions, providing a holistic approach to recovery.


While inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Iowa offers significant benefits, there are challenges that need to be addressed:

  1. Limited Availability: The number of specialized inpatient programs for teenagers may be limited, leading to potential waitlists. This highlights the need for increased resources and facilities to accommodate the demand.

  2. Stigma: Overcoming the stigma associated with teenage drug addiction is crucial. Public awareness campaigns and community education efforts can contribute to reducing the stigma and encouraging families to seek help for their teenagers.

  3. Continuity of Care: Ensuring a seamless transition from inpatient care to outpatient services is vital. Coordinating with community resources and establishing strong connections with local support networks are essential to maintaining the gains achieved during inpatient treatment.

In summary, inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Iowa plays a vital role in addressing the specific challenges faced by adolescents struggling with substance abuse. Tailored programs, family involvement, and comprehensive aftercare planning contribute to the success of these initiatives, ultimately helping Iowa's teenagers build a foundation for a healthier future.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment for Women in Iowa


Recognizing the unique needs of women facing addiction, inpatient addiction treatment programs in Iowa cater specifically to this demographic. These programs offer a supportive and gender-responsive environment that addresses the complex factors contributing to addiction among women.

Program Features

  1. Trauma-Informed Care: Many women seeking addiction treatment in Iowa have experienced trauma. Inpatient programs prioritize trauma-informed care, recognizing the impact of past traumas on addiction and mental health. This approach creates a safe and understanding environment for women to address underlying issues.

  2. Women-Centered Counseling: Inpatient addiction treatment for women often includes gender-specific counseling to address issues such as relationships, family dynamics, and societal pressures. Group therapy sessions provide a supportive community where women can share experiences and insights.

  3. Parenting Support: Recognizing that many women in Iowa seeking addiction treatment may be mothers, these programs often provide parenting support. This may include parenting classes, family therapy, and assistance in rebuilding relationships with children.

  4. Medical Care and Reproductive Health Services: Inpatient addiction treatment programs in Iowa ensure that women receive comprehensive medical care, including reproductive health services. This holistic approach considers the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being.

  5. Life Skills Training: To empower women in their journey to recovery, inpatient programs often include life skills training. This can encompass job readiness, financial literacy, and other practical skills that contribute to a successful and sustainable recovery.

Facility Types

  1. Women-Only Treatment Centers: Iowa has specialized inpatient addiction treatment centers exclusively for women. These centers provide a focused and supportive environment where women can connect with peers facing similar challenges.

  2. Dual Diagnosis Programs: Many women seeking addiction treatment in Iowa may also have co-occurring mental health disorders. Dual diagnosis programs address both substance abuse and mental health issues concurrently, ensuring comprehensive care.

  3. Residential Programs with Gender-Specific Tracks: Some residential treatment centers in Iowa offer gender-specific tracks within their programs. This allows women to benefit from a supportive community while also participating in co-ed therapeutic activities.


In addressing the unique needs of women in addiction treatment, several challenges need attention:

  1. Access to Services: Ensuring that women in rural areas of Iowa have access to specialized inpatient addiction treatment is crucial. Efforts to expand services and reach underserved communities can enhance accessibility.

  2. Childcare Support: Providing adequate childcare support for women in treatment is essential, especially for those with children. Collaborations with local childcare services and community resources can address this challenge.

  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing and respecting cultural differences among women seeking addiction treatment in Iowa is important. Programs should be culturally sensitive to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness.

In conclusion, inpatient addiction treatment for women in Iowa offers a targeted and supportive approach to address the unique challenges faced by women in their journey to recovery. Tailored programming, trauma-informed care, and comprehensive support contribute to empowering women and building a foundation for lasting change.

Residential Drug Rehabs for Men in Iowa


Residential drug rehabs for men in Iowa play a crucial role in addressing the specific needs and challenges that men face in their struggle with addiction. These programs provide a structured and supportive environment where men can focus on their recovery while addressing the underlying factors contributing to their substance abuse.

Program Features

  1. Male-Centered Counseling: Inpatient drug rehabs for men in Iowa often incorporate male-centered counseling, addressing issues related to masculinity, relationships, and societal expectations. Group therapy sessions provide a space for men to share their experiences and support one another.

  2. Vocational Training: Recognizing the importance of employment in the recovery process, some programs include vocational training. This can help men develop skills that contribute to their reintegration into the workforce, promoting a sense of purpose and stability.

  3. Physical Fitness Programs: Many residential drug rehabs for men in Iowa emphasize physical fitness as part of the recovery process. Exercise has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, and incorporating fitness programs contributes to overall well-being.

  4. Family Reintegration: Inpatient programs actively involve families in the recovery process, facilitating stronger connections and support systems. Family therapy sessions address communication, rebuilding trust, and fostering a positive environment for the men's recovery.

  5. Relapse Prevention Planning: In addition to traditional therapy, residential programs focus on relapse prevention planning. This includes teaching men coping skills, stress management techniques, and strategies to navigate triggers in their daily lives.

Facility Types

  1. Men-Only Treatment Centers: Iowa hosts residential treatment centers exclusively for men. These centers provide a supportive and focused environment where men can connect with peers and work towards recovery together.

  2. Faith-Based Programs: Some residential drug rehabs in Iowa may offer faith-based programs for men seeking an integration of spiritual and recovery practices. These programs often incorporate religious teachings and values into the rehabilitation process.

  3. Dual Diagnosis Treatment: For men with co-occurring mental health disorders, dual diagnosis programs address both substance abuse and mental health issues simultaneously, providing comprehensive care.


While residential drug rehabs for men in Iowa offer significant benefits, there are challenges that need attention:

  1. Mental Health Stigma: Addressing the stigma associated with mental health among men is crucial. Education and awareness campaigns can help reduce the reluctance to seek help for co-occurring mental health issues.

  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing and respecting cultural differences among men seeking addiction treatment in Iowa is important. Programs should be culturally sensitive to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness.

  3. Access to Support Services: Ensuring that men have access to support services, both during and after the residential program, is essential. Collaborations with community resources and outpatient services can enhance the continuum of care.

In summary, residential drug rehabs for men in Iowa provide a tailored and supportive environment for addressing the specific challenges faced by men in their journey to recovery. Male-centered counseling, vocational training, and family reintegration contribute to the success of these programs, ultimately helping men build a foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

20 Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in Iowa

Manning Regional Healthcare Center Recovery Center

Manning Regional Healthcare Center Recovery Center is an inpatient drug rehab in Manning, IA, 51455 zip code.

Location: 1550 6th Street, Manning, IA 51455 in Carroll County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Inpatient opioid detox, inpatient cocaine detoxification and in-patient methamphetamines detoxification
  • Sober housing services, self-help groups and social skills development
  • Outpatient drug day treatment, IOT and inpatient hospital drug detox
  • Residential treatment for drug use

Abbey Addiction Treatment Center

Abbey Addiction Treatment Center is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Bettendorf, Iowa, 52722 zip code.

Location: 1401 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, IA 52722 in Scott County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient opioid detox, residential benzodiazepines detoxification and inpatient cocaine detoxification
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Transportation assistance, mental health services and domestic violence services
  • Co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment, residential drug rehab for adult women and in-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Residential drug detoxification, partial hospitalization and outpatient drug detox services
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders

Yss Adolescent Residential Treatment Seven 12 House

Yss Adolescent Residential Treatment Seven 12 House is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Ames, IA, 50010 zip code.

Location: 1002 Douglas Street, Ames, IA 50010 in Story County

Rehab services:

  • Sliding fee scale
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, drug rehab for LGBT and judicial clients treatment
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Residential drug rehab, 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs and 90 day inpatient drug rehab
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • Social skills development, mental health services and sober housing services

Yss Adolescent Residential Treatment Youth Recovery House

Yss Adolescent Residential Treatment Youth Recovery House is an inpatient drug rehab center in Ames, Iowa, 50010 zip code.

Location: 804 Kellogg Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 in Story County

Rehab services:

  • Sexual abuse victims rehab, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Accepts state health insurance
  • Recovery management, domestic violence services and self help meetings
  • Sliding fee scale
  • 90 day inpatient drug rehab, short-term residential drug rehab and long term drug rehab
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders

Mercyone Horizons Family Centered Recovery Program

Mercyone Horizons Family Centered Recovery Program is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Waterloo, IA, 50702 zip code.

Location: 3421 West 9th Street, Waterloo, IA 50702 in Black Hawk County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Inpatient hospital drug rehabilitation, regular outpatient drug treatment and residential long term drug treatment
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males, rehab for people with trauma and co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment
  • Help with transportation, self help meetings and domestic violence services
  • Inpatient opioid detox, residential benzodiazepines detoxification and inpatient alcohol detox

Jackson Recovery Centers Inc Chads House

Jackson Recovery Centers Inc Chads House is an inpatient drug rehab center in Sioux City, Iowa, 51104 zip code.

Location: 2325 Douglas Street, Sioux City, IA 51104 in Woodbury County

Rehab services:

  • Domestic violence services, self help meetings and social skills training
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, long term residential drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and in-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Transitional and sober living
  • Accepts self payment and cash

First Resources Corporation Hope House

First Resources Corporation Hope House is an inpatient drug rehab center in Ottumwa, IA, 52501 zip code.

Location: 433 North Weller Street, Ottumwa, IA 52501 in Wapello County

Rehab services:

  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males, residential drug rehab for adult women and drug rehab for postpartum women
  • Outpatient drug day treatment, long term residential drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Domestic violence services, self help meetings and housing services
  • Accepts state health insurance

Prelude Behavioral Services

Prelude Behavioral Services is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Iowa City, Iowa, 52240 zip code.

Location: 430 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240 in Johnson County

Rehab services:

  • Residential benzodiazepines detoxification, inpatient alcohol detoxification and in-patient methamphetamines detoxification
  • HIV early intervention, domestic violence services and self help meetings
  • 30 day inpatient drug rehab, regular outpatient drug treatment and outpatient drug day treatment
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, inpatient teen drug rehab and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts state health insurance

Heartland Family Service Iowa Family Works

Heartland Family Service Iowa Family Works is an inpatient drug rehab facility in Council Bluffs, Iowa, 51501 zip code.

Location: 1722 Avenue C, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 in Pottawattamie County

Rehab services:

  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Inpatient opioid detoxification
  • Accepts state health insurance
  • HIV/AIDS clients, drug rehab for pregnant women and rehab for people with trauma
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab, 30 day inpatient drug rehab and residential drug detox
  • Mental health services, social skills training and domestic violence services

Zion Recovery Services

Zion Recovery Services is an inpatient drug rehab in Clarinda, IA, 51632 zip code.

Location: 1800 North 16th Street, Unit SW 1, Clarinda, IA 51632 in Page County

Rehab services:

  • Transitional housing
  • Judicial clients treatment, in-patient drug rehab for adult males and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • IOT, residential long term drug rehab and short term inpatient drug rehab
  • Housing services, self help meetings and recovery coaches
  • Sliding fee scale

Community And Family Resources

Community And Family Resources is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Fort Dodge, Iowa, 50501 zip code.

Location: 211 Avenue M West, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 in Webster County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient alcohol detox, inpatient opioid detox and cocaine detox
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Mentoring, HIV early intervention and help with transportation
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Judicial clients treatment, rehab for people with trauma and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Outpatient drug day treatment, residential drug detoxification and outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment

Prelude Behavioral Services

Prelude Behavioral Services is an inpatient drug rehab center in Des Moines, Iowa, 50317 zip code.

Location: 3806 Easton Boulevard, Des Moines, IA 50317 in Polk County

Rehab services:

  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Social skills training, group meetings and recovery management
  • Dual diagnosis treatment and rehab for people with trauma
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab, long term drug rehab and short-term residential drug rehab
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Sliding fee scale

Ywca Of Fort Dodge Center For Life Empowerment

Ywca Of Fort Dodge Center For Life Empowerment is an inpatient drug rehab center in Fort Dodge, IA, 50501 zip code.

Location: 826 1st Avenue North, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 in Webster County

Rehab services:

  • Sexual abuse victims rehab, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, intensive outpatient drug treatment and outpatient drug treatment
  • Social skills training, HIV early intervention and group meetings
  • Halfway and sober housing
  • Sliding fee scale

Pathways Behavioral Services Inc

Pathways Behavioral Services Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Waterloo, IA, 50701 zip code.

Location: 3362 University Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50701 in Black Hawk County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient cocaine detoxification, inpatient alcohol detoxification and inpatient opioid detoxification
  • Transportation assistance, peer support and social skills development
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Halfway house
  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Judicial clients treatment, in-patient drug rehab for adult males and drug rehab for transitional-age young adults
  • Hospital inpatient drug detoxification, outpatient drug treatment and residential drug detoxification

Center For Alcohol And Drug Services Inc Detox And Residential Services

Center For Alcohol And Drug Services Inc Detox And Residential Services is an inpatient drug rehab center in Davenport, Iowa, 52804 zip code.

Location: 12160 Utah Avenue, Davenport, IA 52804 in Scott County

Rehab services:

  • Self-help groups, mentoring and case managers
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Transitional housing
  • Residential benzodiazepines detoxification, inpatient opioid detox and inpatient alcohol detox
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Short-term residential drug rehab, one year inpatient drug rehab and residential drug detoxification
  • Sliding fee scale

House Of Mercy

House Of Mercy is an inpatient drug rehab facility in Des Moines, Iowa, 50314 zip code.

Location: 1409 Clark Street, Des Moines, IA 50314 in Polk County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, rehab for domestic violence victims and judicial clients treatment
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, residential drug rehab and outpatient drug rehabilitation
  • Case managers, mentoring and social skills training

Alcohol And Drug Dep Services Of Southeast Iowa

Alcohol And Drug Dep Services Of Southeast Iowa is an inpatient drug rehab center in Burlington, Iowa, 52601 zip code.

Location: 1340 Mount Pleasant Street, Lincoln Center, Burlington, IA 52601 in Des Moines County

Rehab services:

  • Long term drug rehab, long-term residential drug rehab and regular outpatient drug treatment
  • Sober living
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Help with transportation, domestic violence services and housing services

Area Substance Abuse Council Hightower Place

Area Substance Abuse Council Hightower Place is an in-patient drug rehab in Clinton, Iowa, 52732 zip code.

Location: 2727 South 19th Street, Clinton, IA 52732 in Clinton County

Rehab services:

  • 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs, residential drug rehab and residential long term drug treatment
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Judicial clients treatment, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Case managers, self-help groups and domestic violence services

Area Substance Abuse Council King House

Area Substance Abuse Council King House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Clinton, IA, 52732 zip code.

Location: 2219 Garfield Street, Clinton, IA 52732 in Clinton County

Rehab services:

  • Housing services, self help meetings and social skills development
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males, addiction treatment for people with co-occurring pain plus substance use and judicial clients treatment
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Residential long term drug treatment, residential drug rehab and short term inpatient drug rehab
  • Transitional and sober living
  • Sliding fee scale

Prelude Behavioral Services Bernie Lorenz Recovery

Prelude Behavioral Services Bernie Lorenz Recovery is an inpatient drug rehab in Des Moines, IA, 50311 zip code.

Location: 4014 Kingman Boulevard, Des Moines, IA 50311 in Polk County

Rehab services:

  • Halfway house
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Sober housing services, recovery coaches and domestic violence services
  • Accepts state health insurance
  • Residential drug rehab and long term residential drug rehab
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Main drug rehab options in Iowa

There are 5 kinds of drug addiction treatment centers which can assist people with drug addiction in Iowa:

  1. Traditional live in drug rehab centers. These centers use traditional drug addiction treatment methods which may work for most patients. Their treatment methods consist of MAT residential drug rehab and other treatments. A health insurance plan generally may pay for the fees for residential drug rehab centers in Iowa, so you can get sober and will not be required to pay out-of-pocket costs.
  2. Holistic residential drug rehabilitation in Iowa. In holistic drug rehabilitation, holistic drug addiction treatment options are utilizied to aid in curing substance addiction. Iowa unusual residential drug rehabilitation centers can also be successful, but they are not for everyone.
  3. Faith-based residential drug rehabs in Iowa. Many residential drug addiction treatment concentrate on using religion to be able to aid in treating drug addiction. Iowa dependency treatment centers may cater to Christian, Catholic, Presbyterian, Jewish and other faiths and religions.
  4. Pet friendly residential drug rehab services in Iowa. For drug addicts who are considering to get treatment in a drug addiction treatment center for a significant duration of time and who have a wonderful pet, like a small cat or dog, where should they take them? The solution is quite simple: keep them nearby. Some residential drug rehab services do not disallow patients to get treatment with small cats.
  5. High end live in drug rehab services in Iowa. For those who have the budget for it, high end residential drug addiction treatment centers include the utmost care and give ultra luxury services during drug addiction treatment. High end drug treatment rehab facilities are usually not covered by any insurance plan, or are just partially covered.

Locate Inpatient Drug Rehab in Iowa by Your City or County:

Frequently Asked Questions About Inpatient Drug Rehabs in Iowa

What types of inpatient substance abuse treatment programs are available in Iowa?

In Iowa, you can find various inpatient substance abuse treatment programs, including residential drug rehab, detoxification programs, and comprehensive in-patient drug addiction treatment. These programs are designed to address the diverse needs of individuals struggling with substance abuse.

How long do typical inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa last?

The duration of inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa can vary, but common programs span 30, 60, or 90 days. The length of stay depends on factors such as the severity of the addiction, individual progress, and the specific treatment plan tailored to the patient's needs.

What services are typically offered in residential drug rehab centers in Iowa?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa commonly offer a range of services, including individual and group therapy, medical detoxification, counseling, education on addiction, relapse prevention strategies, and aftercare planning. These comprehensive services aim to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

Are inpatient substance abuse treatment programs in Iowa covered by insurance?

Many inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa accept insurance plans, and coverage can vary. It's crucial to contact the treatment facility and your insurance provider to verify coverage details, including co-pays, deductibles, and any out-of-pocket expenses related to inpatient addiction treatment.

How do I choose the right inpatient drug rehab in Iowa for myself or a loved one?

Selecting the right inpatient drug rehab in Iowa involves considering factors such as the facility's accreditation, treatment approach, staff qualifications, success rates, and aftercare support. It's essential to conduct research, seek recommendations, and consult with healthcare professionals to make an informed decision.

What is the role of family involvement in inpatient drug addiction treatment in Iowa?

Family involvement is often encouraged in inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa. It can provide crucial support for the individual undergoing treatment. Family therapy sessions, education on addiction's impact on families, and involvement in the aftercare planning process contribute to a more holistic and sustainable recovery process.

Do inpatient drug rehab centers in Iowa offer specialized programs for certain demographics or substance addictions?

Yes, some inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa specialize in treating specific demographics, such as gender-specific programs or programs tailored to certain age groups. Additionally, specialized programs may focus on treating particular substance addictions, ensuring a more targeted and effective approach to recovery.

What aftercare support is available following completion of inpatient drug addiction treatment in Iowa?

Aftercare support is a vital component of inpatient drug addiction treatment in Iowa. This may include outpatient counseling, support groups, continued therapy sessions, and access to community resources. A robust aftercare plan is designed to help individuals maintain their recovery and prevent relapse.

Can individuals bring personal belongings to inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa?

In most cases, individuals undergoing inpatient drug rehab in Iowa are allowed to bring personal belongings. However, restrictions may apply to certain items, and it's advisable to check with the facility beforehand. Commonly permitted items include clothing, toiletries, prescribed medications, and personal items that support a healthy and focused recovery environment.

How are mental health issues addressed in inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Iowa often have integrated mental health services to address co-occurring disorders. Trained professionals conduct assessments to identify mental health issues, and treatment plans are developed to provide comprehensive care. This may involve therapy, counseling, and psychiatric services to support individuals dealing with both substance abuse and mental health challenges.