Inpatient Drug Rehab in Illinois

Find Inpatient Drug Rehab in Illinois

Inpatient drug rehab in Illinois. Find long-term and short term inpatient, residential rehab centers in Illinois that treat drug addiction including opioid, cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana and others. Inpatient drug rehab in IL includes 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 1 year and other long term drug rehab programs.

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Residential drug rehab centers in Illinois play a crucial role in addressing substance abuse issues by providing comprehensive inpatient addiction treatment. These specialized facilities cater to a diverse demographic, including teenagers, women, men, seniors, and individuals with dual diagnoses, offering a tailored approach to recovery.

Inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois serve as essential sanctuaries for those grappling with a spectrum of drug addictions, ranging from commonly abused substances like alcohol, opioids, and cocaine to less prevalent but equally debilitating substances such as methamphetamine, prescription medications, and designer drugs. The state's commitment to combatting addiction is evident in the presence of numerous inpatient drug rehab centers that adhere to stringent standards and employ evidence-based treatments.

For teenagers battling substance abuse, in-patient addiction treatment in Illinois addresses the unique challenges they face. Recognizing the importance of early intervention, these centers offer specialized programs designed to meet the distinctive needs of adolescents, focusing on education, family involvement, and psychological support. Women experiencing addiction often encounter distinct social and biological factors, emphasizing the necessity of gender-specific residential drug addiction treatment. Illinois-based facilities recognize this and provide a safe and nurturing environment for women to address their substance abuse issues through personalized care plans. Similarly, men seeking recovery benefit from in-patient drug rehab centers in Illinois, where they receive targeted interventions that consider the specific triggers and societal pressures that contribute to male-oriented substance abuse patterns. Seniors, facing their own set of challenges, find solace in Illinois' residential drug rehab centers, where age-appropriate treatment approaches address physical health concerns, mental health considerations, and the complexities of addiction in later stages of life.

Individuals with dual diagnoses, grappling with both addiction and mental health disorders, receive integrated care in Illinois' inpatient drug rehabs. These facilities understand the interconnected nature of these issues, offering comprehensive treatment strategies to address the unique needs of this population. Inpatient drug rehab centers in Illinois provide hope and support for diverse individuals facing the complexities of addiction. By focusing on tailored residential drug addiction treatment, these centers address the distinct needs of teenagers, women, men, seniors, and those with dual diagnoses, contributing significantly to the state's comprehensive approach to combating substance abuse.

30-Day Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment in Illinois

Recovering from drug addiction is a challenging journey that often requires professional assistance. In Illinois, individuals seeking a 30-day inpatient drug addiction treatment have various options available. These programs typically aim to provide intensive, focused care to help individuals break free from the cycle of substance abuse.

Treatment Approach

The 30-day inpatient drug addiction treatment in Illinois adopts a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical aspects of addiction but also the psychological and emotional components. Medical professionals assess each patient's unique needs to develop a personalized treatment plan. The program may involve a combination of medical detoxification, counseling, therapy sessions, group activities, and educational workshops.

Medical Detoxification

The first phase of the 30-day inpatient program often involves medical detoxification. Trained medical staff closely monitors patients as they undergo withdrawal from the substances. Medications may be administered to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure a safe and comfortable detox process.

Counseling and Therapy

Individual and group counseling sessions play a crucial role in the treatment process. Patients have the opportunity to explore the root causes of their addiction, develop coping mechanisms, and learn valuable life skills. Therapists employ evidence-based modalities to address the psychological aspects of substance abuse.

Group Activities

Structured group activities foster a sense of community and support among individuals undergoing treatment. These activities may include art therapy, recreational outings, and team-building exercises. Group sessions provide a platform for patients to share their experiences, offer mutual encouragement, and build a network of understanding peers.

Educational Workshops

Educational workshops focus on equipping patients with knowledge about addiction, relapse prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. Participants gain insights into the impact of substance abuse on physical and mental health, as well as strategies for maintaining sobriety beyond the 30-day inpatient program.

Aftercare Planning

As the 30-day inpatient program in Illinois concludes, comprehensive aftercare planning becomes paramount. This may involve transitioning to outpatient therapy, attending support group meetings, and accessing community resources. The goal is to provide ongoing support and resources to help individuals maintain their recovery in the post-treatment phase.

60-Day Inpatient Drug Rehab in Illinois

For individuals requiring a more extended period of intensive treatment, a 60-day inpatient drug rehab program in Illinois offers a more comprehensive approach to addressing addiction. This extended timeframe allows for a more in-depth exploration of underlying issues contributing to substance abuse.

Extended Therapeutic Interventions

The 60-day inpatient drug rehab in Illinois extends the duration of therapeutic interventions, providing individuals with more time to delve into the complexities of their addiction. Therapy sessions may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational enhancement therapy (MET), among others.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely utilized therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and modifying negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with addiction. In a 60-day program, individuals can engage in more extensive CBT sessions to develop healthier coping mechanisms and reshape their mindset towards sustained recovery.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is particularly effective for individuals struggling with emotional regulation and interpersonal difficulties. The extended timeframe of a 60-day program allows for a more thorough exploration of DBT techniques, fostering emotional resilience and improved relationship skills.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

MET aims to enhance intrinsic motivation for change. During a 60-day inpatient drug rehab in Illinois, MET sessions may be extended, providing individuals with ongoing support and motivation to make positive life changes beyond the initial stages of recovery.

Skill Building and Vocational Training

In addition to therapeutic interventions, the 60-day program may incorporate skill-building activities and vocational training. This aspect of the program helps individuals acquire practical skills that can contribute to their successful reintegration into society.

Skill Building

Skill-building activities may include resume writing, job interview preparation, and time management workshops. These activities empower individuals to develop the necessary skills to pursue employment and engage in a productive, substance-free lifestyle.

Vocational Training

Some 60-day inpatient drug rehab programs in Illinois collaborate with vocational training programs to offer participants opportunities to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. This can enhance individuals' self-esteem and provide a positive focus for their energy and efforts.

Family Involvement

Recognizing the significance of family support in the recovery process, the 60-day inpatient program encourages family involvement. Family therapy sessions may be integrated to address familial dynamics and provide education on how to support their loved ones in recovery.

Continued Aftercare Support

As the 60-day inpatient drug rehab program concludes, individuals continue to receive aftercare support. This may involve transitioning to outpatient therapy, participating in alumni programs, and accessing ongoing support groups. The extended duration of the program better prepares individuals for the challenges of maintaining long-term sobriety.

6-Month Residential Drug Addiction Treatment in Illinois

A 6-month residential drug addiction treatment in Illinois represents a more extended commitment to recovery, offering individuals the time and resources needed for a comprehensive and sustained transformation. This extended duration allows for a more thorough exploration of the factors contributing to addiction and the development of robust coping strategies.

Intensive Therapy and Counseling

The core of a 6-month residential program lies in intensive therapy and counseling. Participants engage in regular one-on-one sessions with therapists and participate in various group therapy formats. This extended timeframe enables a more in-depth exploration of underlying issues and the development of coping skills essential for sustained recovery.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions provide a confidential space for individuals to explore personal challenges, set goals, and work on strategies for long-term recovery. The extended duration of a 6-month program allows for ongoing support as individuals navigate the complexities of their journey.

Group Therapy

Group therapy remains a crucial component of the residential program, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding among participants. The extended timeframe allows for the development of strong peer connections, offering a network of support that extends beyond the confines of the treatment facility.

Life Skills Development

Beyond addressing addiction itself, the 6-month residential program places emphasis on life skills development. Participants engage in activities that enhance their practical skills and prepare them for a successful and fulfilling life post-treatment.

Job Readiness Training

Job readiness training helps individuals prepare for employment opportunities. This may include resume building, job search strategies, and mock interviews. The goal is to equip participants with the tools needed to reintegrate into the workforce successfully.

Financial Management

Understanding the importance of financial stability in maintaining recovery, the program may include workshops on budgeting, financial planning, and debt management. These skills contribute to individuals' ability to make informed and responsible decisions in their daily lives.

Holistic Wellness Approach

A 6-month residential drug addiction treatment in Illinois often incorporates a holistic wellness approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This may involve activities such as yoga, meditation, and nutritional education to support individuals in achieving overall wellness.

Family Involvement and Therapy

Family involvement remains a vital aspect of the 6-month residential program. Family therapy sessions may be extended and include educational components to help families understand addiction and develop supportive strategies. This collaboration strengthens the support system around the individual in recovery.

Transitional Planning

As the 6-month residential program in Illinois nears completion, transitional planning becomes a focal point. This may involve identifying suitable housing, connecting with outpatient resources, and establishing a robust aftercare plan. The goal is to ensure a smooth transition from the structured environment of the residential program to independent living while maintaining ongoing support.

One-Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Illinois

A one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Illinois represents the most extended and comprehensive form of addiction treatment. This extended duration allows for a thorough and gradual approach to recovery, addressing not only the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying factors contributing to substance abuse.

Long-Term Therapeutic Interventions

The one-year inpatient program allows for long-term and sustained therapeutic interventions. This includes regular individual therapy sessions, group therapy, and specialized therapeutic modalities tailored to the individual's evolving needs throughout the treatment process.

Continued Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions remain a cornerstone of the one-year program, providing individuals with ongoing support and guidance. The extended duration allows for a deep exploration of personal challenges, traumas, and patterns of behavior, fostering lasting positive changes.

Specialized Therapies

In addition to traditional therapeutic approaches, the one-year program may incorporate specialized therapies based on individual needs. This could include trauma-informed therapy, experiential therapies, and psychodrama, offering a diverse range of tools to address complex issues.

Educational and Vocational Advancement

Recognizing the importance of education and vocational development in sustained recovery, the one-year inpatient program in Illinois may facilitate educational opportunities and vocational training. This empowers individuals to pursue academic or career goals, contributing to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Academic Support

For those interested in pursuing education, the program may provide access to academic support, GED preparation, or college courses. This enables individuals to work towards their educational aspirations while in a supportive and structured environment.

Vocational Training and Employment Assistance

Vocational training remains a focal point, equipping individuals with practical skills for future employment. The program may collaborate with local businesses or organizations to provide opportunities for on-the-job training and employment assistance.

Community Integration and Social Support

The one-year inpatient program places a strong emphasis on community integration and building a robust social support network. This may involve participating in community events, volunteering, and engaging in activities that promote positive social connections.

Continued Family Involvement

Family involvement remains a consistent element throughout the one-year inpatient program. Regular family therapy sessions, educational workshops, and ongoing communication contribute to a supportive family environment, recognizing the vital role families play in the recovery journey.

Gradual Reintegration Planning

As the one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Illinois approaches its conclusion, gradual reintegration planning becomes a key focus. This may involve identifying suitable housing, employment opportunities, and outpatient resources. The goal is to ensure a smooth transition from the structured environment of the inpatient program to independent living while maintaining a strong foundation of support.

Ongoing Aftercare and Alumni Support

Post-treatment, individuals completing the one-year inpatient program in Illinois continue to receive ongoing aftercare and alumni support. This may include participation in alumni groups, access to continued therapy, and involvement in community-based recovery initiatives. The long-term nature of the program aims to provide individuals with the tools and support needed for sustained recovery and a fulfilling life beyond addiction.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers in Illinois

Illinois, like many other states, faces the challenge of addressing substance abuse among teenagers. Inpatient drug rehab programs specifically designed for adolescents play a crucial role in providing comprehensive care and support for teens struggling with addiction.

Understanding Teen Substance Abuse in Illinois

Teenagers in Illinois may turn to drugs for various reasons, including peer pressure, family issues, academic stress, or mental health issues. The prevalence of substances like marijuana, prescription drugs, and alcohol among teens highlights the need for effective intervention strategies.

Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Illinois aims to create a safe and structured environment where adolescents can receive specialized care to address their unique needs. These programs often combine medical, therapeutic, and educational components to facilitate holistic recovery.

Features of Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers

  1. Professional Assessment and Customized Treatment Plans: Inpatient facilities begin with a thorough assessment of the teenager's physical and mental health. This evaluation helps create personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual needs of each teen.

  2. 24/7 Supervision and Support: Inpatient programs provide round-the-clock supervision, ensuring that teens are in a secure and controlled environment. This helps prevent relapses and ensures immediate response to any medical or emotional crises.

  3. Educational Components: Recognizing the importance of education, inpatient drug rehabs often integrate academic support into their programs. This ensures that teenagers can continue their studies while receiving treatment, preventing a gap in their education.

  4. Therapeutic Interventions: Inpatient rehab programs include individual and group therapy sessions to address the underlying issues contributing to substance abuse. Therapists work closely with teens to develop coping mechanisms and life skills necessary for a drug-free future.

  5. Family Involvement: Family plays a crucial role in the recovery process. Inpatient facilities encourage family involvement through counseling sessions, educational programs, and family therapy to foster a supportive environment for the teenager's recovery.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment for Women in Illinois

Addressing the unique needs of women in addiction treatment is essential for effective and sustainable recovery. In Illinois, inpatient addiction treatment programs tailored for women focus on providing gender-specific care that considers the social, psychological, and biological factors influencing addiction.

Unique Considerations for Women in Addiction Treatment

  1. Trauma-Informed Care: Women often have a higher likelihood of experiencing trauma, which can contribute to substance abuse. Inpatient treatment for women in Illinois incorporates trauma-informed care, recognizing the impact of past trauma on addiction and addressing it in the recovery process.

  2. Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Many women facing addiction also struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders. Inpatient programs in Illinois are equipped to provide dual diagnosis treatment, addressing both addiction and mental health issues concurrently.

  3. Pregnancy and Parenting Support: Women who are pregnant or parenting require specialized care. Inpatient addiction treatment for women in Illinois offers support for pregnant women, including prenatal care, as well as parenting education and resources to ensure a healthy environment for both mother and child.

  4. Empowerment and Life Skills Training: Inpatient programs emphasize empowering women to take control of their lives. Life skills training, vocational support, and educational opportunities are integrated to equip women with the tools needed for independent and substance-free living.

  5. Community and Peer Support: Building a sense of community and peer support is vital for women in recovery. Inpatient facilities in Illinois facilitate group therapy sessions, support groups, and communal activities to foster connections among women facing similar challenges.

Residential Drug Rehabs for Men in Illinois

Men facing addiction in Illinois benefit from inpatient residential drug rehab programs designed to address their specific needs. These programs recognize the distinct challenges and factors that contribute to addiction in men and offer tailored interventions for successful recovery.

Addressing Men's Unique Challenges in Recovery

  1. Emphasis on Accountability and Responsibility: Inpatient drug rehabs for men in Illinois often incorporate components that focus on accountability and responsibility. This includes goal-setting, vocational training, and mentorship to help men take ownership of their recovery journey.

  2. Anger Management and Emotional Regulation: Men may face challenges in expressing and managing emotions, contributing to substance abuse. Inpatient programs provide therapeutic interventions, including anger management classes and emotional regulation techniques, to help men develop healthier coping mechanisms.

  3. Physical Fitness and Wellness: Recognizing the positive impact of physical activity on mental health, inpatient facilities may include fitness programs and wellness activities. These not only contribute to overall well-being but also serve as healthy outlets for stress and tension.

  4. Relationship and Communication Skills: Inpatient rehab programs for men in Illinois often include counseling focused on improving relationship and communication skills. Building healthy connections and addressing interpersonal challenges is crucial for sustained recovery.

  5. Peer Support and Group Therapy: Men benefit from the camaraderie and support of their peers. Group therapy sessions, led by experienced counselors, create a space for men to share their experiences, challenges, and successes, fostering a sense of solidarity in the recovery process.

Inpatient drug rehab programs in Illinois cater to the diverse needs of teenagers, women, and men facing addiction. By providing specialized and comprehensive care, these programs aim to not only address the immediate challenges of substance abuse but also equip individuals with the tools and support needed for long-term recovery. The unique features of each program reflect a commitment to understanding and addressing the specific factors influencing addiction within different demographic groups in the state.

20 Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois

Family Guidance Centers Inc

Family Guidance Centers Inc is an in-patient drug rehab in Springfield, IL, 62703 zip code.

Location: 120 North 11th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 in Sangamon County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient treatment for drug addiction and mental health diagnosis
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, in-patient drug rehab for adult males and judicial clients treatment
  • Self-help groups, recovery coaches and mental health services
  • Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment, 90 day inpatient drug rehab and IOT
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Sliding fee scale

Way Back Inn Inc Grateful House

Way Back Inn Inc Grateful House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Oak Park, Illinois, 60302 zip code.

Location: 412 South Wesley Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Drug rehab for veterans, residential drug rehab for adult women and drug rehab for transitional-age young adults
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Social skills training, housing services and mentoring
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab, residential drug rehab and outpatient drug treatment
  • Sliding fee scale

Way Back Inn Inc Maywood House

Way Back Inn Inc Maywood House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Maywood, Illinois, 60153 zip code.

Location: 104 Oak Street, Maywood, IL 60153 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Intensive outpatient drug treatment, long-term residential drug rehab and regular outpatient drug treatment
  • Domestic violence services, social skills development and sober housing services
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Drug rehab for transitional-age young adults, in-patient drug rehab for adult men and drug rehab for vets
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Sliding fee scale

Gateway Foundation Caseyville

Gateway Foundation Caseyville is an inpatient drug rehab in Caseyville, Illinois, 62232 zip code.

Location: 600 West Lincoln Avenue, Caseyville, IL 62232 in Saint Clair County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Military insurance
  • Inpatient drug detox
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, rehab for domestic violence victims and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Inpatient cocaine detoxification, inpatient opioid detox and residential benzodiazepines detoxification
  • Mental health services, housing services and domestic violence services
  • 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs, long term drug rehab and residential drug detox

Serenity House Counseling Services Inc Outpatient

Serenity House Counseling Services Inc Outpatient is an inpatient drug rehab in Addison, Illinois, 60101 zip code.

Location: 891 South Rohlwing Road, Addison, IL 60101 in DuPage County

Rehab services:

  • Recovery coaches, case managers and peer support
  • Outpatient drug rehabilitation, 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and intensive outpatient drug treatment
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, drug rehab for seniors and in-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Inpatient treatment for drug addiction and mental health diagnosis

Rock Island County Council On Addictions All Alcohol/substance Abuse Program On Site

Rock Island County Council On Addictions All Alcohol/substance Abuse Program On Site is an inpatient drug rehab in East Moline, Illinois, 61244 zip code.

Location: 1607 John Deere Expressway, East Moline, IL 61244 in Rock Island County

Rehab services:

  • Long term drug rehab, regular outpatient drug treatment and intensive outpatient drug treatment
  • Self-help groups and recovery management
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, judicial clients treatment and in-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Accepts self payment and cash

Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc St Leonards

Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc St Leonards is an inpatient drug rehab in Chicago, IL, 60612 zip code.

Location: 2100 West Warren Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60612 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Federal funding
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males, judicial clients treatment and rehab for people with trauma
  • Partial hospitalization, IOT and regular outpatient drug treatment
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Transportation assistance, self help meetings and mentoring
  • Halfway house

Northwest Community Healthcare Adult Residential Addictions Treatment Center

Northwest Community Healthcare Adult Residential Addictions Treatment Center is an inpatient drug rehab in Arlington Heights, Illinois, 60005 zip code.

Location: 901 West Kirchoff, KB3S, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men, drug rehab for transitional-age young adults and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Outpatient drug detoxification, outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment and intensive outpatient drug treatment
  • Self-help groups, group meetings and HIV early intervention
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Inpatient drug detox services
  • Cocaine detoxification, inpatient alcohol detox and methamphetamines detox

Gateway Foundation Springfield

Gateway Foundation Springfield is an in-patient drug rehab center in Springfield, IL, 62703 zip code.

Location: 2200 Lake Victoria Drive, Springfield, IL 62703 in Sangamon County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug rehab, short term inpatient drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • Inpatient alcohol detoxification, inpatient opioid detox and cocaine detox
  • Self help meetings, social skills training and mental health services
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Dual diagnosis treatment, in-patient drug rehab for adult men and inpatient drug rehab for teenagers

Hope For Tomorrow Inc

Hope For Tomorrow Inc is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Aurora, Illinois, 60506 zip code.

Location: 479 North Lake Street, Aurora, IL 60506 in Kane County

Rehab services:

  • Recovery management, social skills development and group meetings
  • One year inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Residential drug abuse treatment

Claudia And Eddies Place

Claudia And Eddies Place is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Hazel Crest, IL, 60429 zip code.

Location: 14714 Madison Avenue, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Halfway house
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Long-term drug rehab and long-term residential drug rehab
  • Self help meetings, recovery management and professional interventionist
  • Accepts self payment and cash

Habilitative Systems Inc

Habilitative Systems Inc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Chicago, IL, 60644 zip code.

Location: 415 South Kilpatrick Street, Chicago, IL 60644 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Provides payment assistance
  • Outpatient drug rehab, regular outpatient drug treatment and long-term drug rehab
  • Transitional housing
  • Accepts state health insurance
  • Transportation assistance, housing services and peer support
  • Rehab for domestic violence victims, sexual abuse victims rehab and residential drug rehab for adult women

Rowan Trees

Rowan Trees is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois, 60621 zip code.

Location: 500 West Englewood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60621 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Residential long term drug treatment and long-term drug rehab
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Social skills development, mental health services and case managers
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Drug rehab for transitional-age young adults, co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment and rehab for domestic violence victims

Yana House

Yana House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois, 60621 zip code.

Location: 7120 South Normal Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60621 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Short term inpatient drug rehab, 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Recovery coaches, drug addiction intervention and social skills training
  • Halfway house
  • Provides payment assistance
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males and rehab for people with trauma
  • Accepts Federal funding

Henrys Sober Living House

Henrys Sober Living House is an inpatient drug rehab center in Chicago, IL, 60619 zip code.

Location: 8032-8034 South Ingleside Street, Chicago, IL 60619 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Transportation assistance, mentoring and self help meetings
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Military families rehab, drug rehab for seniors and older adults and judicial clients treatment
  • Short term inpatient drug rehab, one year inpatient drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Halfway and sober housing

Hrdi/harriet Tubman Womens Residential Treatment

Hrdi/harriet Tubman Womens Residential Treatment is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Chicago, IL, 60617 zip code.

Location: 2311 East 98th Street, Chicago, IL 60617 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Short-term residential drug rehab, long-term residential drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Mental health services, self-help groups and sober housing services
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, judicial clients treatment and drug rehab for pregnant women

Cornerstone Recovering Community

Cornerstone Recovering Community is an inpatient drug rehab in Chicago, IL, 60628 zip code.

Location: 103 West 112th Street, Chicago, IL 60628 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Transitional and sober living
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Case managers, self help meetings and social skills development
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, one year inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug treatment
  • Drug rehab for veterans, judicial clients treatment and drug rehab for seniors and older adults

Cornerstone Recovering Community

Cornerstone Recovering Community is an inpatient drug rehab in Chicago, Illinois, 60628 zip code.

Location: 44 West 112th Place, Chicago, IL 60628 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • Sober living
  • Rehab for domestic violence victims, HIV/AIDS clients and judicial clients treatment
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Recovery coaches, case managers and peer support
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, intensive outpatient drug treatment and long-term residential drug rehab

Hrdi Roseland Mens Residential

Hrdi Roseland Mens Residential is an inpatient drug rehab center in Chicago, IL, 60628 zip code.

Location: 11352 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60628 in Cook County

Rehab services:

  • 30 day inpatient drug rehab, residential drug rehab and 90 day inpatient drug rehab
  • Accepts state health insurance
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Judicial clients treatment and dual diagnosis treatment
  • Mental health services, recovery management and self help meetings

Nicasa Bridgehouse

Nicasa Bridgehouse is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Waukegan, IL, 60085 zip code.

Location: 3016 Grand Avenue, Waukegan, IL 60085 in Lake County

Rehab services:

  • Long term residential drug rehab, long-term drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Mental health services, professional interventionist and mentoring

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


5 types of drug rehab in Illinois

There are 5 different types of drug addiction treatment options which are available to people with drug addiction in Illinois:

  1. Traditional residential drug rehab. These treatment centers utilize conventional drug addiction treatment therapies which can prove to be effective for most people. Their treatment methods include medication assisted inpatient drug rehabilitation and other therapies. Health insurance plans typically may pay for the fees for residential drug rehabs in Illinois, so your cure and will not be required to cover out of pocket costs.
  2. Holistic live-in drug rehab centers in Illinois. In holistic drug rehab centers, holistic addiction treatment methods are utilizied to assist cure drug dependency. Illinois unusual live-in drug addiction treatment facilities can also be successful, but they are not for everyone.
  3. Religion based live-in drug rehabilitation centers in Illinois. Most of these residential drug rehabilitation facilities stay focused on using faith in order to assist in curing addiction. Illinois rehabilitation facilities may cater to Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Presbyterian and other religious denominations.
  4. Dog and cat friendly live-in drug dependency treatment in Illinois. For drug addicts who are going to receive treatment in a drug addiction treatment facility for an extended duration of time and who own a beloved pet, like a small dog or cat, where can they leave them? The solution is actually simple: keep them near. Certain inpatient rehabilitation centers don’t forbid patients to bring along small pets.
  5. High-end residential drug dependency treatment in Illinois. For addicts that have the money for such treatment, upscale live-in drug rehabs provide the highest level of care and give luxurious treatments during drug addiction treatment. High-end drug treatment rehabs are generally not covered by any insurance plan, or are only partially covered.

Locate Inpatient Drug Rehab in Illinois by Your City or County:

Frequently Asked Questions About Inpatient Drug Rehabs in Illinois

What types of inpatient substance abuse treatment programs are available in Illinois?

In Illinois, you can find a variety of inpatient drug rehabs, including residential drug rehab centers, detoxification programs, and specialized treatment facilities tailored to different substance dependencies. These programs offer comprehensive in-patient drug addiction treatment, addressing physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of recovery.

How long do residential drug rehab programs typically last in Illinois?

The duration of inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois varies, but residential drug rehab programs typically last anywhere from 28 days to several months. The length of stay depends on individual needs, the severity of addiction, and the progress made during treatment. Some facilities may also offer extended programs for individuals requiring longer-term care.

What types of therapies are commonly used in inpatient drug addiction treatment in Illinois?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois employ a range of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and holistic therapies. These modalities aim to address the underlying causes of addiction, teach coping skills, and promote overall well-being during in-patient drug addiction treatment.

Do inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois offer detoxification services?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois provide detoxification services as part of their comprehensive treatment programs. Detox is the initial phase of inpatient substance abuse treatment, focusing on safely managing withdrawal symptoms. Medical professionals closely monitor individuals during this process to ensure a safe and comfortable transition to the next stages of residential drug rehab.

Are inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois equipped to handle dual diagnosis cases?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois are equipped to address dual diagnosis cases, where individuals struggle with both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. These facilities often have interdisciplinary teams, including psychiatrists and therapists, who collaborate to provide integrated treatment addressing both addiction and mental health concerns during in-patient drug addiction treatment.

How do I verify the credentials and accreditation of inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois?

To verify the credentials and accreditation of inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois, you can contact the Illinois Department of Human Services or check with reputable accreditation bodies such as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) or The Joint Commission. Additionally, you can inquire directly with the facility about their licensing, staff credentials, and adherence to industry standards for inpatient substance abuse treatment.

What aftercare services are offered by inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois often provide aftercare services to support individuals in their transition back to daily life. Aftercare may include outpatient counseling, support groups, relapse prevention programs, and ongoing monitoring. The goal is to reinforce the skills learned during inpatient substance abuse treatment and promote sustained recovery.

What insurance options are accepted by inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois often accept a variety of insurance plans, including private insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare. It is crucial to contact the facility and verify the specific insurance options they accept. Additionally, some facilities may offer sliding scale fees or financial assistance for individuals without insurance to ensure access to in-patient drug addiction treatment.

Can family members be involved in the inpatient substance abuse treatment process in Illinois?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois encourage family involvement in the treatment process. Family therapy sessions, educational programs, and communication workshops may be offered to help families understand addiction, learn coping strategies, and support their loved ones during residential drug rehab. Involving family members can contribute to a more comprehensive and sustainable recovery journey.

What amenities and recreational activities are available at inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Illinois may offer a range of amenities and recreational activities to promote holistic well-being. These can include fitness facilities, outdoor spaces, art and music therapy, meditation programs, and educational workshops. The goal is to provide a supportive and engaging environment that enhances the overall experience of individuals seeking in-patient drug addiction treatment.