Inpatient Drug Rehab in Arizona

Find Inpatient Drug Rehab in Arizona

Inpatient drug rehab in Arizona. Find long-term and short term inpatient, residential rehab centers in Arizona that treat drug addiction including opioid, cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana and others. Inpatient drug rehab in AZ includes 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 1 year and other long term drug rehab programs.

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona play a crucial role in addressing various forms of substance abuse, offering comprehensive residential drug addiction treatment programs. Individuals struggling with addiction often find solace and effective intervention in these specialized in-patient drug rehab centers. These facilities in Arizona cater to a diverse demographic, including teenagers, women, men, and seniors, providing tailored care to meet the unique needs of each group.

Residential drug addiction treatment is a vital component of the recovery journey, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in a supportive and controlled environment conducive to healing. In the dynamic landscape of inpatient addiction treatment in Arizona, diverse programs are designed to address dependencies such as alcohol, opioids, cocaine, marijuana, prescription medications, methamphetamines, and benzodiazepines.

For teenagers facing the challenges of drug addiction, inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona offer specialized programs that acknowledge the unique psychological and emotional aspects of adolescence. Similarly, facilities cater to the distinct needs of women, recognizing the multifaceted nature of their addiction experiences. Men, seniors, and individuals with dual diagnosis requirements also benefit from targeted interventions provided by these in-patient drug rehab centers.

In Arizona, the emphasis on personalized and evidence-based approaches underscores the commitment to helping individuals break free from the cycles of addiction. Inpatient addiction treatment programs address not only the physical aspects of dependency but also the underlying psychological and social factors contributing to substance abuse.

The state's inpatient drug rehabs feature highly trained and compassionate professionals who guide individuals through a structured recovery process. Through a combination of therapy, counseling, medical intervention, and holistic approaches, these centers empower individuals to reclaim control over their lives.

Arizona's inpatient addiction treatment landscape is marked by its dedication to inclusivity and effectiveness, creating an environment where individuals from all walks of life can embark on the path to recovery. The state's commitment to combating diverse forms of addiction underscores the importance of inpatient drug rehab as a cornerstone in the comprehensive approach to addressing substance abuse in the region.

30 Day Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment in Arizona


In Arizona, the 30-day inpatient drug addiction treatment is a focused program designed to provide individuals with a structured environment to overcome substance abuse issues. This short-term residential program emphasizes intensive therapy, counseling, and education to address the immediate challenges associated with drug addiction.

Program Components:

  1. Assessment and Evaluation:

    • Upon admission to the program, individuals undergo a thorough assessment to determine their specific needs and create a personalized treatment plan.
    • Evaluations may include medical, psychological, and social assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual's situation.
  2. Detoxification:

    • In some cases, individuals may require detoxification to safely manage withdrawal symptoms. Medical professionals closely monitor and support individuals during this process.
    • The goal is to help individuals achieve a stable, drug-free state before transitioning to the therapeutic aspects of the program.
  3. Individual Counseling:

    • One-on-one counseling sessions with licensed therapists help individuals explore the root causes of their addiction and develop coping strategies.
    • Therapists work collaboratively with individuals to set realistic goals for their recovery journey.
  4. Group Therapy:

    • Group therapy sessions provide a supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, learn from others, and build a sense of community.
    • Topics may include relapse prevention, communication skills, and stress management.
  5. Educational Workshops:

    • Workshops focus on enhancing awareness and understanding of addiction, its impact on individuals and their families, and strategies for long-term recovery.
    • Education plays a crucial role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health.
  6. Aftercare Planning:

    • The 30-day program typically includes developing an aftercare plan to support individuals as they transition back to their communities.
    • This may involve connecting individuals with outpatient services, support groups, and ongoing counseling.

Supportive Environment:

In Arizona, the 30-day inpatient program creates a supportive and structured environment that fosters personal growth and recovery. The program's duration is designed to address immediate needs while laying the foundation for continued progress in outpatient settings.

60 Day Inpatient Drug Rehab in Arizona

Extended Treatment Duration:

The 60-day inpatient drug rehab program in Arizona builds upon the principles of the 30-day program, offering an extended period for individuals to delve deeper into their recovery journey. This longer duration allows for more comprehensive therapeutic interventions and a greater focus on sustained behavioral change.

Additional Therapeutic Components:

  1. Skill Building:

    • The extended duration allows for a more in-depth exploration of coping skills and relapse prevention strategies.
    • Individuals participate in skill-building sessions to develop practical tools for managing stress, cravings, and triggers.
  2. Family Involvement:

    • Family therapy sessions play a significant role in the 60-day program, addressing the impact of addiction on familial relationships.
    • Involving family members in the therapeutic process helps create a more supportive home environment for continued recovery.
  3. Holistic Approaches:

    • The program may incorporate holistic therapies such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy to complement traditional counseling methods.
    • Holistic approaches contribute to overall well-being and provide individuals with diverse avenues for self-expression.
  4. Vocational Training:

    • Some programs offer vocational training opportunities to help individuals acquire practical skills for reintegration into the workforce.
    • Empowering individuals with employment-related skills enhances their ability to lead fulfilling lives post-rehab.

Gradual Reintegration:

The 60-day inpatient drug rehab program in Arizona not only addresses immediate concerns but also focuses on gradual reintegration into society. Extended support and therapeutic interventions contribute to a more robust foundation for long-term recovery.

6 Months Residential Drug Addiction Treatment in Arizona

Comprehensive and Prolonged Support:

The 6-month residential drug addiction treatment in Arizona provides a comprehensive and prolonged approach to recovery. This extended duration allows individuals to engage in intensive therapeutic interventions while gradually adapting to a substance-free lifestyle.

Long-Term Goal Setting:

  1. Structured Phases:

    • The program may be divided into structured phases, each with specific therapeutic goals and objectives.
    • Progress through these phases is often contingent on meeting predefined benchmarks, ensuring a gradual and steady recovery process.
  2. Community Integration:

    • Individuals are encouraged to participate in community-based activities and support groups to foster a sense of belonging.
    • This phase emphasizes the importance of building a supportive network outside the treatment facility.
  3. Continued Education:

    • Educational components extend beyond the basics of addiction, covering topics such as life skills, financial literacy, and continued relapse prevention strategies.
    • Empowering individuals with practical knowledge enhances their ability to navigate challenges post-treatment.

Relapse Prevention and Aftercare:

  1. Ongoing Counseling:

    • Individual and group counseling sessions remain a central component throughout the 6-month program.
    • Ongoing support helps individuals address evolving challenges and reinforces positive behavioral changes.
  2. Aftercare Planning:

    • The extended duration allows for more robust aftercare planning, including connections to long-term outpatient services, sober living arrangements, and ongoing community support.
    • Aftercare plans are tailored to individual needs, promoting sustained recovery beyond the residential phase.

Gradual Independence:

The 6-month residential drug addiction treatment in Arizona emphasizes gradual independence and empowerment, equipping individuals with the tools and resilience needed for a successful transition back into their communities.

One Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Arizona

Extended Commitment to Recovery:

The one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Arizona represents a significant commitment to long-term recovery. This extended duration is suitable for individuals with complex substance abuse histories or those who require an extended period of intensive support.

Advanced Therapeutic Approaches:

  1. Advanced Individual Therapy:

    • Individual therapy sessions become more advanced, delving deeper into unresolved issues and addressing co-occurring mental health concerns.
    • Therapists work closely with individuals to facilitate profound personal growth and lasting behavioral changes.
  2. Specialized Group Sessions:

    • Group therapy sessions may become more specialized, focusing on specific issues such as trauma, dual diagnosis, or advanced relapse prevention strategies.
    • The tailored approach ensures that individuals receive targeted support based on their unique needs.
  3. Community Integration Projects:

    • Individuals may engage in community integration projects or volunteer work, promoting a sense of purpose and responsibility.
    • These projects contribute to a holistic approach to recovery, emphasizing the importance of giving back to the community.

Gradual Reintegration and Transition Planning:

  1. Transitional Living Support:

    • Towards the end of the one-year program, individuals may transition to a structured, supportive living environment to further prepare for independent living.
    • This phase helps individuals apply the skills they've acquired in a real-world setting while maintaining a safety net of support.
  2. Continued Aftercare:

    • Aftercare planning remains a crucial aspect, with a focus on continued outpatient services, ongoing therapy, and participation in alumni programs.
    • Continued aftercare ensures that individuals remain connected to a supportive network as they navigate the challenges of post-rehab life.

Building a Foundation for Lifelong Recovery:

The one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Arizona serves as a foundation for lifelong recovery, providing individuals with the necessary time and resources to achieve sustained abstinence and positive life transformation.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers in Arizona

In Arizona, addressing the issue of substance abuse among teenagers is a critical concern. Inpatient drug rehab facilities specifically designed for teenagers play a vital role in providing comprehensive care and support for young individuals struggling with addiction. These programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of teenagers, taking into account their developmental stage, psychological well-being, and social dynamics.

The Need for Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers

Teenagers in Arizona facing substance abuse challenges often require a specialized and intensive approach to treatment. Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers offers a structured environment that helps adolescents break free from the cycle of addiction. These programs focus on addressing not only the physical aspects of addiction but also the underlying emotional and psychological issues that may contribute to substance abuse.

Features of Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers

  1. Professional Supervision: Inpatient facilities in Arizona providing rehabilitation for teenagers ensure 24/7 supervision by trained medical and counseling staff. This ensures a safe and supportive environment for teenagers undergoing treatment.

  2. Therapeutic Interventions: Evidence-based therapeutic interventions are a cornerstone of inpatient drug rehab for teenagers. Individual and group therapy sessions help adolescents explore the root causes of their addiction and develop coping mechanisms for the challenges they face.

  3. Educational Programs: Recognizing the importance of academic continuity, inpatient rehab programs for teenagers in Arizona often incorporate educational components. These programs enable teenagers to continue their studies while undergoing treatment, promoting a sense of normalcy and future focus.

  4. Family Involvement: Family plays a crucial role in the recovery process. Inpatient rehab facilities encourage family involvement through counseling and educational sessions, fostering a supportive environment for the teenager's recovery journey.

  5. Recreational Activities: Holistic approaches to rehabilitation include recreational activities to engage teenagers in positive and enjoyable experiences. These activities not only serve as a distraction from substance use but also contribute to overall well-being.

Challenges in Teenage Drug Rehab in Arizona

  1. Stigma: There is a prevailing stigma associated with teenage substance abuse. In Arizona, efforts are being made to destigmatize addiction and raise awareness about the importance of seeking help.

  2. Accessibility: While inpatient drug rehab facilities exist, accessibility remains a challenge for some teenagers in Arizona, particularly those in remote areas. Addressing this issue involves expanding resources and outreach efforts.

  3. Comprehensive Aftercare: Ensuring a smooth transition back into daily life is crucial. In Arizona, aftercare programs for teenagers leaving inpatient rehab focus on ongoing support, relapse prevention strategies, and continued counseling.

In conclusion, inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Arizona is an essential component of the broader strategy to combat substance abuse. Tailored programs, professional supervision, and a holistic approach contribute to the success of these initiatives in helping teenagers reclaim their lives from the grasp of addiction.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment for Women in Arizona

In Arizona, recognizing the unique needs of women facing addiction has led to the development of specialized inpatient addiction treatment programs. These programs acknowledge the distinct biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to substance abuse in women.

The Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

Women in Arizona grappling with addiction often experience different challenges compared to their male counterparts. Inpatient addiction treatment for women aims to create a supportive and understanding environment that addresses these specific issues.

Key Components of Inpatient Addiction Treatment for Women

  1. Trauma-Informed Care: Many women with substance abuse issues have experienced trauma. Inpatient programs in Arizona incorporate trauma-informed care to address underlying issues and provide a safe space for healing.

  2. Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Recognizing the prevalence of co-occurring mental health disorders, inpatient addiction treatment for women in Arizona integrates dual diagnosis approaches. This ensures that both addiction and mental health issues are addressed concurrently.

  3. Parenting Support: Mothers facing addiction often have unique challenges, especially if they are the primary caregivers. Inpatient programs in Arizona offer parenting support, including childcare services and parenting classes, to help women maintain family connections during treatment.

  4. Peer Support Groups: Women may benefit from connecting with peers who share similar experiences. Inpatient rehab facilities in Arizona facilitate peer support groups, creating a sense of community and understanding among women in treatment.

  5. Counseling and Therapy: Individual and group counseling sessions are integral to inpatient addiction treatment for women. These sessions focus on issues such as self-esteem, relationships, and empowerment, promoting lasting recovery.

Addressing Challenges in Women's Addiction Treatment

  1. Childcare Accessibility: Providing adequate childcare services during inpatient treatment is crucial for mothers. In Arizona, efforts are underway to improve accessibility and affordability of childcare options for women in addiction treatment.

  2. Community Outreach: Raising awareness about the availability and importance of gender-specific inpatient addiction treatment is an ongoing challenge. Outreach efforts in Arizona aim to bridge the gap and ensure that women are aware of the resources available to them.

  3. Culturally Competent Care: Recognizing the diverse population in Arizona, inpatient addiction treatment for women is designed to be culturally competent. This involves understanding and respecting the cultural backgrounds of women seeking treatment.

In summary, inpatient addiction treatment for women in Arizona acknowledges the diverse needs of women facing addiction. By providing specialized care that considers the unique challenges women may encounter, these programs contribute to the overall effectiveness of addiction treatment initiatives in the state.

Residential Drug Rehabs for Men in Arizona

In Arizona, residential drug rehabs specifically tailored for men recognize and address the distinct aspects of male addiction. These programs acknowledge the different ways in which men may experience and express their struggles with substance abuse.

Understanding Male-Specific Addiction Treatment

Men facing addiction in Arizona may encounter challenges related to societal expectations, masculinity norms, and communication styles. Residential drug rehabs for men aim to create an environment that allows for open expression and addresses these specific issues.

Core Elements of Residential Drug Rehabs for Men

  1. Emphasis on Communication: Men, often socialized to be less expressive about emotions, benefit from programs that encourage open communication. Residential drug rehabs in Arizona incorporate group therapy sessions and counseling that foster healthy communication skills.

  2. Physical Fitness and Recreation: Recognizing the importance of physical activity for mental well-being, residential rehabs for men in Arizona often include fitness and recreational activities. Engaging in sports or exercise can be an effective outlet for stress and a positive coping mechanism.

  3. Career and Vocational Support: Men may face challenges related to career and vocational goals during and after addiction treatment. Residential programs in Arizona offer support in areas such as resume building, job skills training, and career counseling to help men reintegrate into the workforce successfully.

  4. Peer Support: Building connections with peers who share similar experiences is crucial. Residential rehabs for men in Arizona facilitate peer support groups, creating a sense of camaraderie and understanding among participants.

  5. Anger Management and Coping Skills: Men may struggle with anger issues during the recovery process. Residential programs address these challenges through anger management sessions and the development of healthy coping skills.

Overcoming Challenges in Men's Addiction Treatment

  1. Destigmatizing Help-Seeking: Societal norms may discourage men from seeking help for addiction. In Arizona, initiatives focus on destigmatizing help-seeking behavior and emphasizing the strength and courage it takes for men to address their substance abuse issues.

  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing the diversity in Arizona's population, residential drug rehabs for men strive to be culturally sensitive. This involves understanding and respecting the cultural backgrounds of men seeking treatment.

  3. Family Involvement: Involving families in the treatment process is essential for men's recovery. Residential rehabs in Arizona incorporate family therapy sessions and support systems to strengthen familial relationships.

Residential drug rehabs for men in Arizona play a crucial role in addressing the specific challenges that men may face during addiction treatment. By providing tailored programs that consider the unique aspects of male addiction, these residential facilities contribute to the overall success of addiction treatment initiatives in the state.

20 Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in Arizona

Renaissance House Womens Transition Project Inc

Renaissance House Womens Transition Project Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Bisbee, Arizona, 85603 zip code.

Location: 240 OHara Avenue, Bisbee, AZ 85603 in Cochise County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, military families rehab and HIV/AIDS clients
  • Halfway house
  • Residential long term drug rehab, 30 day inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Intervention services, housing services and mental health services
  • Accepts Federal funding

Touch Angels Behavioral Healthcare Llc

Touch Angels Behavioral Healthcare Llc is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Queen Creek, AZ, 85142 zip code.

Location: 21929 East Avenida Del Valle Court, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders
  • Drug rehab for LGBT clients, rehab for domestic violence victims and drug rehab for seniors
  • Self-help groups, peer support and professional interventionist
  • Residential drug rehab, long term residential drug rehab and 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs

Canyon Vista Recovery Center

Canyon Vista Recovery Center is an inpatient drug rehab center in Mesa, Arizona, 85201 zip code.

Location: 860 North Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Hospital inpatient drug detox, outpatient drug rehabilitation and inpatient hospital addiction treatment
  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Self help meetings, mental health services and case managers
  • Inpatient opioid detoxification, methamphetamines detox and inpatient cocaine detoxification
  • Rehab for people with trauma, drug rehab for older adults and sexual abuse victims rehab

Community Bridges Inc Al Long Residential Program

Community Bridges Inc Al Long Residential Program is an inpatient drug rehab center in Holbrook, AZ, 86025 zip code.

Location: 993 North Hermosa Drive, Holbrook, AZ 86025 in Navajo County

Rehab services:

  • Group meetings, mental health services and self help meetings
  • Long-term drug rehab, long-term residential drug rehab and short term inpatient drug rehab
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Payment assistance available
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men and co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment
  • Accepts Medicaid

Crossroads Mission Of Yuma

Crossroads Mission Of Yuma is an inpatient drug rehab in Yuma, AZ, 85364 zip code.

Location: 944 South Arizona Avenue, Building 300, Yuma, AZ 85364 in Yuma County

Rehab services:

  • Case managers, peer support and self-help groups
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab, residential drug detoxification and long-term drug rehab
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Inpatient cocaine detoxification, inpatient alcohol detoxification and methamphetamines detox

La Frontera Center Casa De Vida

La Frontera Center Casa De Vida is an inpatient drug rehab center in Tucson, Arizona, 85745 zip code.

Location: 1900 West Speedway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85745 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Long term drug rehab and 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Drug rehab for seniors and older adults, drug rehab for LGBT clients and drug rehab for vets
  • Recovery management, peer support and self help meetings
  • Accepts Medicare

Northern Arizona Va Healthcare System Mental Health And Behavioral Sciences

Northern Arizona Va Healthcare System Mental Health And Behavioral Sciences is an inpatient drug rehab center in Prescott, AZ, 86313 zip code.

Location: 500 Highway 89 North, Prescott, AZ 86313 in Yavapai County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug detox, outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment and intensive outpatient drug treatment services
  • Inpatient drug detox
  • Transportation assistance, housing services and mentoring
  • Rehab for active duty military, sexual abuse victims rehab and co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment
  • Inpatient opioid detoxification and inpatient alcohol detox
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Accepts Military insurance

Recovery In Motion Treatment Center Hlgl Llc

Recovery In Motion Treatment Center Hlgl Llc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Tucson, AZ, 85716 zip code.

Location: 1604 North Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug rehab for adult women, drug rehab for transitional-age young adults and dual diagnosis treatment
  • Peer support, recovery training and housing services
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Outpatient drug rehab, outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment and inpatient hospital drug detox
  • Inpatient drug detoxification
  • Methamphetamines detox, inpatient opioid detox and inpatient alcohol detox

Eureka Imperial Residence 2

Eureka Imperial Residence 2 is an inpatient drug rehab in Gilbert, Arizona, 85295 zip code.

Location: 2668 South Heritage Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85295 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Short-term residential drug rehab, long term residential drug rehab and residential drug detox
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Help with transportation, sober housing services and group meetings

Community Bridges Inc Lighthouse

Community Bridges Inc Lighthouse is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Yuma, Arizona, 85365 zip code.

Location: 3250 East 40th Street, Suite B, Yuma, AZ 85365 in Yuma County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis
  • Payment assistance available
  • Accepts private health insurance
  • 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab, 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs and residential drug rehab
  • Inpatient opioid detox, cocaine detox and methamphetamines detox
  • Social skills training, housing services and mental health services

Codac Health Recovery And Wellness Inc Womens Recovery Services/las Amigas

Codac Health Recovery And Wellness Inc Womens Recovery Services/las Amigas is an in-patient drug rehab center in Tucson, Arizona, 85745 zip code.

Location: 1650 E. Ft. Lowell Road, Suite 202, Tucson, AZ 85745 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Long term drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Social skills development, self help meetings and case managers
  • Drug rehab for pregnant and postpartum women, residential drug rehab for adult women and rehab for people with trauma

Residents At The Heights Dba Unhooked Recovery Power Road

Residents At The Heights Dba Unhooked Recovery Power Road is an inpatient drug rehab center in Mesa, AZ, 85206 zip code.

Location: 215 South Power Road, Suite 1251, Mesa, AZ 85206 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Drug rehab for transitional-age young adults, drug rehab for LGBT and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis
  • Residential long term drug treatment, 30 day inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Sober housing services, self help meetings and case management

Sabino Recovery

Sabino Recovery is an in-patient drug rehab in Tucson, Arizona, 85750 zip code.

Location: 8505 East Ocotillo Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, residential drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab
  • Mental health services, social skills development and domestic violence services
  • Inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis
  • Sexual abuse victims rehab, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and rehab for people with trauma
  • Accepts private health insurance

Amity Foundation Circle Tree Ranch

Amity Foundation Circle Tree Ranch is an in-patient drug rehab in Tucson, Arizona, 85749 zip code.

Location: 10500 East Tanque Verde Road, Tucson, AZ 85749 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Transportation assistance, sober housing services and HIV early intervention
  • Military families rehab, rehab for people with trauma and co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Outpatient drug services, intensive outpatient drug treatment program and regular outpatient drug treatment

Mirasol Inc

Mirasol Inc is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Tucson, Arizona, 85730 zip code.

Location: 10490 East Escalante Road, Tucson, AZ 85730 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Professional interventionist, social skills training and mental health services
  • Accepts Military insurance
  • Rehab for domestic violence victims, judicial clients treatment and rehab for people with trauma
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Long term drug rehab and 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab

La Frontera Center Mountain Rose

La Frontera Center Mountain Rose is an inpatient drug rehab center in Tucson, AZ, 85742 zip code.

Location: 10841 North Thornydale Road, Tucson, AZ 85742 in Pima County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Mental health services, help with transportation and sober housing services

Touch Angels Behavioral Healthcare Llc

Touch Angels Behavioral Healthcare Llc is an inpatient drug rehab in Phoenix, Arizona, 85085 zip code.

Location: 2018 West Morning Vista Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85085 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Group meetings, sober housing services and domestic violence services
  • Long-term residential drug rehab, short term inpatient drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • LGBT drug rehab, residential drug rehab for adult women and co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment
  • Accepts Tribal/Urban/IHS funding
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse

Phoenix Va Healthcare System Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program

Phoenix Va Healthcare System Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Phoenix, Arizona, 85012 zip code.

Location: 650 East Indian School Road, Building 31, Phoenix, AZ 85012 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Rehab for people with trauma, drug rehab for veterans and rehab for domestic violence victims
  • Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone treatment, residential drug rehab and 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs
  • Residential drug use treatment
  • Domestic violence services, social skills training and self-help groups

Vogue Recovery Center

Vogue Recovery Center is an inpatient drug rehab in Phoenix, Arizona, 85016 zip code.

Location: 4122 North 17th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient treatment for drug addiction and mental health diagnosis
  • Co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment, rehab for people with trauma and residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Self-help groups, recovery management and mental health services
  • Residential drug rehab, intensive outpatient drug treatment services and short-term residential drug rehab
  • Accepts Military insurance

Ebony House Inc

Ebony House Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Phoenix, AZ, 85042 zip code.

Location: 6222 South 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85042 in Maricopa County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Payment assistance available
  • Recovery management, self-help groups and mental health services
  • Rehab for people with HIV or AIDS and rehab for people with trauma
  • Residential drug rehab and long-term residential drug rehab
  • Accepts state health insurance

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Main drug rehab options in Arizona

There are 5 kinds of drug addiction treatment options that can assist people with a drug problem in Arizona:

  1. Traditional live in drug rehab. These facilities utilize traditional drug addiction treatment therapies that should be effective for most patients. Their treatment options consist of medication-assisted residential drug rehab and other treatments. A health insurance plan typically may provide coverage for inpatient drug rehab centers in Arizona, so you can become sober and will not be required to pay out-of-pocket costs.
  2. Holistic in-patient drug rehab in Arizona. In holistic drug rehab, holistic drug treatment methodologies are utilizied to aid cure addiction to substances. Arizona non-traditional in-patient drug rehabs can also be successful, but they are not for everyone.
  3. Faith-based in-patient drug addiction treatment in Arizona. Many residential drug rehab centers concentrate on utilizing religion to be able to aid in eliminating drug dependency. Arizona dependency treatment centers may cater to Christian, Catholic, Presbyterian, Jewish and other religious denominations.
  4. Pet-friendly in-patient drug rehab services in Arizona. For drug addicts who are planning to live in a drug addiction treatment facility for a longer period of time and who own a little pet, like a small cat or dog, where should they leave them? The answer is quite simple: keep them nearby. Some residential drug treatment centers don’t forbid patients to bring along small pets.
  5. High-end residential drug rehab services in Arizona. For people that have the budget for it, high-end in-patient drug rehabilitation facilities provide the utmost care and give upscale services while conducting drug addiction treatment. High-end drug addiction rehab facilities are typically not covered by health insurance, or are only partially covered.

Locate Inpatient Drug Rehab in Arizona by Your City or County:

Frequently Asked Questions About Inpatient Drug Rehabs in Arizona

What is inpatient substance abuse treatment in Arizona?

Inpatient substance abuse treatment in Arizona involves a comprehensive and structured program where individuals reside at a facility to receive intensive care for drug addiction. This residential drug rehab approach provides a supportive environment for recovery with 24/7 supervision and various therapies tailored to individual needs.

How long does inpatient drug addiction treatment typically last in Arizona?

The duration of inpatient drug addiction treatment in Arizona varies based on individual needs and the severity of the addiction. Programs commonly range from 28 to 90 days, although longer stays may be recommended for certain cases to ensure a more thorough recovery process.

What therapies are offered in inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona?

In inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona, a variety of evidence-based therapies are employed, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and holistic approaches. These therapies address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction, fostering a comprehensive recovery process.

Are detox services included in inpatient drug addiction treatment in Arizona?

Yes, inpatient drug addiction treatment in Arizona often includes detox services as part of the initial phase. Professional medical staff monitors and assists individuals through the detoxification process, managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring a safe and comfortable start to the recovery journey.

What types of substances are treated in inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona cater to a wide range of substance addictions, including but not limited to opioids, alcohol, stimulants, benzodiazepines, and illicit drugs. The treatment plans are customized based on the specific substance or substances the individual is struggling with.

Is dual diagnosis treatment available in inpatient substance abuse treatment in Arizona?

Yes, many inpatient substance abuse treatment facilities in Arizona offer dual diagnosis treatment, addressing co-occurring mental health disorders alongside addiction. This integrated approach ensures a holistic recovery by addressing both the substance abuse issue and any underlying mental health challenges.

What aftercare support is provided following inpatient drug rehab in Arizona?

Aftercare support is a crucial component of inpatient drug rehab in Arizona. This may include outpatient counseling, support groups, relapse prevention programs, and ongoing access to resources that help individuals maintain their recovery outside the structured inpatient environment, promoting long-term success.

How do I choose the right inpatient drug rehab in Arizona for myself or a loved one?

Choosing the right inpatient drug rehab in Arizona involves considering factors such as the facility's accreditation, treatment approach, staff qualifications, success rates, and aftercare services. Conducting thorough research, seeking recommendations, and consulting with professionals can aid in making an informed decision tailored to individual needs.

Are inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona covered by insurance?

Many inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona accept insurance plans to cover a portion or all of the treatment costs. It's essential to verify coverage with both the rehab facility and the insurance provider, ensuring clarity on what aspects of the inpatient substance abuse treatment are covered and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Can family members participate in the inpatient drug addiction treatment process in Arizona?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Arizona encourage family involvement. Family therapy sessions and education programs are often offered to help families understand addiction, develop supportive strategies, and strengthen relationships during the recovery journey. Involving family can contribute positively to the overall effectiveness of the inpatient treatment.