Inpatient Drug Rehab in Alabama

Find Inpatient Drug Rehab in Alabama

Inpatient drug rehab in Alabama. Find long-term and short term inpatient, residential rehab centers in Alabama that treat drug addiction including opioid, cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana and others. Inpatient drug rehab in AL includes 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 1 year and other long term drug rehab programs.

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Alabama play a crucial role in addressing substance abuse issues among individuals facing diverse forms of addiction. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the problem, these facilities offer comprehensive inpatient drug rehabs tailored to meet the unique needs of teenagers, women, men, and seniors battling various forms of substance dependencies. Alabama's inpatient addiction treatment landscape underscores a commitment to combating prevalent drug addictions such as opioids, methamphetamine, cocaine, prescription medications, alcohol, and marijuana. By providing specialized programs, these in-patient drug rehab centers ensure that individuals receive targeted support in their journey towards recovery.

Teenagers, often vulnerable to peer pressure and experimentation, find dedicated programs within inpatient drug rehabs that address issues related to alcohol and marijuana abuse. For women, residential drug addiction treatment acknowledges the distinct challenges they may face, offering a safe and supportive environment for recovery from substances like opioids and prescription medications. Men, commonly grappling with addictions to methamphetamine and cocaine, benefit from tailored approaches designed to address their unique needs.

Seniors, confronting the complexities of aging and health-related concerns, receive specialized care within inpatient addiction treatment facilities in Alabama. These programs are crafted to address dependencies on prescription medications and alcohol, recognizing the distinctive circumstances faced by the elderly population.

Furthermore, the inclusion of dual diagnosis treatment within inpatient drug rehabs underscores the commitment to addressing co-occurring mental health issues alongside substance abuse. Individuals facing challenges related to depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders find comprehensive support, ensuring a holistic approach to recovery.

In the heart of Alabama, inpatient addiction treatment centers strive to create an atmosphere conducive to healing. They not only focus on breaking the cycle of addiction but also emphasize the development of coping mechanisms and life skills necessary for sustained recovery. The professional and empathetic staff at these in-patient drug rehab centers are dedicated to guiding individuals through the challenging journey of overcoming addiction, fostering an environment where each person can reclaim control over their lives.

30-Day Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment in Alabama

In Alabama, a 30-day inpatient drug addiction treatment program serves as a focused and intensive intervention for individuals struggling with substance abuse. The primary goal of this relatively short-term program is to provide immediate support and structure to help individuals overcome the initial challenges of addiction.

Program Structure:

  1. Assessment and Admission:

    • The journey typically begins with a thorough assessment to understand the specific needs and challenges of the individual.
    • Admission involves a comprehensive intake process, where medical history, substance use patterns, and mental health status are evaluated.
  2. Detoxification:

    • A crucial phase, especially for those addicted to substances, involves supervised detox to manage withdrawal symptoms.
    • Medical professionals closely monitor and provide necessary interventions to ensure a safe and comfortable detox process.
  3. Counseling and Therapy:

    • Individual and group counseling sessions play a pivotal role in addressing the psychological aspects of addiction.
    • Therapists employ evidence-based approaches to help individuals understand the root causes of their addiction and develop coping mechanisms.
  4. Educational Workshops:

    • Educational components aim to provide participants with knowledge about addiction, triggers, and relapse prevention.
    • Workshops may cover topics such as life skills, stress management, and healthy coping mechanisms.
  5. Aftercare Planning:

    • As the 30-day program nears completion, a comprehensive aftercare plan is developed.
    • This may include recommendations for outpatient therapy, support groups, or other community-based resources.
  6. Family Involvement:

    • In many cases, family involvement is encouraged through counseling sessions or support groups.
    • The inclusion of family members helps create a supportive environment for the individual's recovery.

Location-Specific Considerations:

  • Alabama's inpatient facilities often integrate the local culture and community resources into their programs.
  • Support may extend beyond the facility, connecting individuals with local recovery groups or services.

60-Day Inpatient Drug Rehab in Alabama

A 60-day inpatient drug rehab program in Alabama extends the duration of treatment, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to recovery. This extended timeframe enables participants to delve deeper into the underlying causes of their addiction and develop sustainable coping strategies.

Program Enhancements:

  1. Extended Therapy Sessions:

    • With more time available, therapy sessions can be more in-depth and frequent, addressing a broader range of psychological and emotional issues.
    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are commonly employed to promote lasting behavioral changes.
  2. Skill Building:

    • The additional days allow for a focus on skill-building activities that enhance resilience and self-efficacy.
    • Vocational training, resume building, and job readiness programs may be integrated to support individuals in their transition to a substance-free life.
  3. Holistic Approaches:

    • Holistic therapies, such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy, are often incorporated to address the overall well-being of individuals.
    • These activities aim to provide healthy outlets for stress and contribute to a more balanced and centered lifestyle.
  4. Peer Support:

    • Group therapy becomes even more significant in a 60-day program, fostering a sense of community among participants.
    • Peer support and shared experiences contribute to a supportive environment conducive to recovery.
  5. Continued Family Involvement:

    • Family therapy sessions continue to play a crucial role in the extended program, addressing family dynamics and improving communication.
    • Engaging family members in the recovery process contributes to a more robust support system.

Alabama-Specific Features:

  • Alabama's natural beauty and outdoor opportunities may be integrated into therapeutic activities.
  • Programs may leverage local community support and engagement to facilitate the recovery process.

6-Month Residential Drug Addiction Treatment in Alabama

A 6-month residential drug addiction treatment program in Alabama represents a more extended commitment to recovery. This duration allows for a comprehensive and gradual approach to address the complex layers of addiction.

Extended Therapeutic Interventions:

  1. Intensive Individual Counseling:

    • Participants engage in regular one-on-one counseling sessions to explore deeper aspects of their addiction and personal history.
    • Therapists work closely with individuals to develop personalized treatment plans.
  2. Structured Daily Routine:

    • The longer duration enables the establishment of a more structured daily routine, promoting discipline and healthy habits.
    • Participants often engage in a combination of therapy, educational activities, and recreational pursuits.
  3. Employment and Educational Support:

    • Programs may assist individuals in exploring employment or educational opportunities during their stay.
    • Vocational training and educational support contribute to the individual's long-term stability and self-sufficiency.
  4. Community Integration:

    • Residential programs often emphasize community integration, encouraging participants to engage in local activities and support networks.
    • This approach helps individuals build connections beyond the treatment facility, promoting sustained recovery.
  5. Focus on Co-Occurring Disorders:

    • The extended timeframe allows for a more comprehensive approach to co-occurring mental health disorders.
    • Dual diagnosis treatment becomes an integral part of the program, addressing both addiction and underlying mental health concerns.

Alabama-Specific Aspects:

  • Longer-term programs in Alabama may incorporate cultural and community elements to strengthen the sense of belonging and connection.
  • Community partnerships may facilitate opportunities for individuals to contribute to local initiatives, fostering a sense of purpose.

One Year Inpatient Drug Rehab in Alabama

A one-year inpatient drug rehab program in Alabama represents a highly intensive and comprehensive commitment to recovery. This extended duration is suitable for individuals requiring prolonged support due to the severity of their addiction or the presence of multiple challenges.

Prolonged Therapeutic Engagement:

  1. In-Depth Psychological Exploration:

    • With a year-long commitment, individuals can engage in prolonged and in-depth psychological exploration.
    • Therapists work closely to address underlying trauma, unresolved issues, and long-standing behavioral patterns.
  2. Life Skills Development:

    • The extended duration allows for a thorough focus on life skills development, including financial management, interpersonal skills, and goal setting.
    • Participants are better equipped to navigate the challenges of independent living after completing the program.
  3. Gradual Reintegration:

    • Programs may include phases where participants gradually reintegrate into society under continued supervision.
    • This approach helps individuals build confidence and resilience in real-world scenarios.
  4. Ongoing Aftercare Support:

    • Aftercare planning is even more extensive in a year-long program, with a focus on long-term support structures.
    • Continued therapy, support groups, and regular check-ins contribute to sustained recovery.
  5. Family Rebuilding:

    • The extended duration allows for significant family rebuilding efforts, addressing deep-seated family dynamics and fostering healthier relationships.
    • Family involvement remains a cornerstone of the recovery process.

Alabama-Specific Features:

  • Programs of this duration in Alabama may leverage the state's diverse landscapes and recreational opportunities for therapeutic activities.
  • Integration with local communities and organizations is intensified to provide ongoing support post-treatment.

The duration of inpatient drug addiction treatment in Alabama varies, allowing individuals to choose a program that aligns with the severity of their addiction and personal needs. The state's cultural and community-specific features are often integrated into these programs, contributing to a holistic and effective approach to recovery.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Teenagers in Alabama

Alabama, like many states, faces challenges related to substance abuse among teenagers. In response to this concern, various inpatient drug rehab facilities specifically cater to the unique needs of adolescent individuals. These programs are designed to address the physical, emotional, and social aspects of addiction in a comprehensive manner.

Specialized Programs for Teenagers

Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Alabama emphasizes age-appropriate treatment modalities. These programs recognize the distinct challenges that adolescents face and tailor interventions accordingly. Therapeutic approaches often include a combination of individual counseling, group therapy, and family involvement to create a holistic support system.

Educational Components

Recognizing the importance of education in a teenager's life, these inpatient rehab programs in Alabama incorporate academic components. Educational support is provided to ensure that adolescents do not fall behind in their studies during the treatment period. This integration helps bridge the gap between recovery and maintaining academic progress, contributing to a smoother transition back into daily life.

Family Involvement and Support

Family plays a crucial role in the recovery process of teenagers struggling with substance abuse. In Alabama's inpatient drug rehab for teenagers, there is a strong emphasis on involving the family in therapy sessions. This approach aims to strengthen the support system around the adolescent, fostering an environment conducive to sustainable recovery.

Recreational and Therapeutic Activities

In addition to traditional therapy, inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Alabama incorporates recreational and therapeutic activities. These activities serve multiple purposes, such as providing healthy outlets for emotional expression, teaching teamwork and communication skills, and promoting a balanced lifestyle. Outdoor activities and art therapy are often part of the rehabilitation process, enhancing the overall well-being of the teenagers.

Aftercare Planning

Successful recovery extends beyond the confines of the inpatient facility. Alabama's inpatient drug rehab programs for teenagers prioritize aftercare planning to ensure a smooth transition back into the community. This may involve connecting the individual with local support groups, outpatient counseling, and ongoing family therapy sessions to provide continued support in the post-rehabilitation phase.

Holistic Approach to Healing

Inpatient drug rehab for teenagers in Alabama takes a holistic approach, addressing not only the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying issues contributing to substance abuse. Therapists work closely with teenagers to build coping skills, emotional resilience, and a strong sense of self-worth. By focusing on the whole person, these programs aim to empower teenagers to make healthier choices and build a foundation for a drug-free future.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment for Women in Alabama

Women facing addiction in Alabama encounter unique challenges, necessitating specialized inpatient addiction treatment programs. These facilities are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment tailored to the specific needs of women struggling with substance abuse.

Trauma-Informed Care

Many women seeking addiction treatment in Alabama have experienced trauma, which can contribute to substance abuse issues. Inpatient addiction treatment programs for women adopt a trauma-informed care approach, recognizing and addressing the impact of trauma on addiction. Therapists work to create a safe and supportive space for women to explore and heal from past traumas as an integral part of the recovery process.

Gender-Specific Programming

Inpatient addiction treatment for women in Alabama acknowledges the importance of gender-specific programming. Women may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues in a group of their peers. These programs create a sense of community among female participants, fostering open communication and understanding among women who share similar experiences.

Family-Centered Support

Family involvement is a key component of inpatient addiction treatment for women in Alabama. Recognizing the role of family dynamics in a woman's life, these programs incorporate family therapy sessions to address underlying issues and strengthen the support system. In some cases, childcare services are provided to alleviate concerns related to parenting responsibilities, allowing women to focus on their recovery.

Mental Health Integration

Women often face a higher prevalence of co-occurring mental health issues alongside substance abuse. In response, inpatient addiction treatment programs in Alabama integrate mental health services into their offerings. This approach ensures that women receive comprehensive care, addressing both addiction and any underlying mental health conditions concurrently.

Life Skills Training

Preparing women for life beyond addiction is a crucial aspect of inpatient treatment in Alabama. Life skills training, including financial literacy, vocational skills development, and parenting education, is often incorporated into the program. This equips women with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of daily life and maintain their recovery outside the treatment setting.

Relapse Prevention Strategies

Inpatient addiction treatment for women in Alabama places a strong emphasis on relapse prevention. Therapists work with women to identify triggers and develop coping strategies to mitigate the risk of relapse. Building a robust relapse prevention plan is considered a vital component of ensuring sustained recovery for women in these programs.

Residential Drug Rehabs for Men in Alabama

Men facing substance abuse challenges in Alabama can benefit from specialized residential drug rehabs tailored to their unique needs. These programs recognize the distinct factors influencing men's addiction experiences and offer targeted interventions for effective and sustainable recovery.

Male-Centered Support Groups

Residential drug rehabs for men in Alabama often incorporate male-centered support groups. These groups provide a space for men to share their experiences, challenges, and successes with others who can relate to their journey. The camaraderie and mutual understanding fostered in these groups contribute to a supportive and encouraging environment.

Emphasis on Physical Fitness

Recognizing the positive impact of physical activity on mental health, residential drug rehabs for men in Alabama often include fitness programs. Regular exercise not only promotes physical well-being but also serves as a healthy outlet for stress and anxiety. Integrating physical fitness into the rehabilitation process supports men in building a foundation for a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

Vocational and Career Counseling

For many men, a sense of purpose and stability in their careers is closely linked to their overall well-being. Residential drug rehabs in Alabama for men often offer vocational and career counseling services. This includes assistance with resume building, job search strategies, and skill development to help men reintegrate into the workforce successfully after completing the program.

Anger Management Strategies

Men struggling with addiction in Alabama may face challenges related to anger management. Residential drug rehabs for men address this aspect by incorporating anger management strategies into their therapeutic interventions. This helps men develop healthier ways of expressing and managing anger, contributing to improved interpersonal relationships and reduced risk of relapse.

Mentorship Programs

Recognizing the importance of positive role models, residential drug rehabs for men in Alabama may implement mentorship programs. Experienced individuals who have successfully navigated their own recovery journeys can provide guidance and support to those currently undergoing treatment. This mentorship model creates a sense of accountability and encouragement among men in the program.

Communication Skills Training

Effective communication is a vital aspect of successful recovery and maintaining healthy relationships. Residential drug rehabs for men in Alabama often include communication skills training to help men express their thoughts and emotions in a constructive manner. Improved communication skills contribute to better interpersonal relationships and overall well-being.

Alabama has implemented specialized inpatient drug rehab programs for teenagers, women, and men, recognizing the unique needs and challenges faced by each demographic. These programs aim to provide comprehensive and tailored interventions to support individuals on their journey to recovery. Through a combination of therapeutic modalities, family involvement, life skills training, and gender-specific approaches, these inpatient drug rehabs in Alabama contribute to building a foundation for lasting recovery and a healthier future.

20 Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in Alabama

Freedom House

Freedom House is an inpatient drug rehab center in Rogersville, AL, 35652 zip code.

Location: 54 Wheeler Hills Road, Rogersville, AL 35652 in Lauderdale County

Rehab services:

  • Free rehab for those who qualify
  • Social skills development, transportation assistance and domestic violence services
  • Rehab for domestic violence victims, sexual abuse victims rehab and co-occurring substance abuse plus pain treatment
  • Long term drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders
  • Sliding fee scale

Mission Of Mercy (moms) Inc

Mission Of Mercy moms Inc is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Florence, Alabama, 35630 zip code.

Location: 414 East Tuscaloosa Street, Florence, AL 35630 in Lauderdale County

Rehab services:

  • 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab, intensive outpatient drug treatment services and regular outpatient drug treatment
  • Halfway house
  • Housing services, case managers and HIV early intervention
  • HIV/AIDS clients, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and drug rehab for veterans
  • Accepts Federal funding

Lighthouse Of Tallapoosa County Inc Substance Abuse Rehab Program/residence

Lighthouse Of Tallapoosa County Inc Substance Abuse Rehab Program/residence is an inpatient drug rehab facility in Alexander City, Alabama, 35010 zip code.

Location: 36 Franklin Street, Alexander City, AL 35010 in Tallapoosa County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Self-help groups, recovery management and mentoring
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Residential drug rehab and long term residential drug rehab

New Beginnings Recovery

New Beginnings Recovery is an inpatient drug rehab in Talladega, Alabama, 35160 zip code.

Location: 900 East Renfroe Road, Talladega, AL 35160 in Talladega County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Sober housing services, group meetings and self help meetings
  • Long-term drug rehab and residential long term drug treatment
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males

Fellowship House Inc

Fellowship House Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Birmingham, AL, 35205 zip code.

Location: 1625 12th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205 in Jefferson County

Rehab services:

  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, residential drug rehab and outpatient drug rehabilitation
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women and in-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental health and drug use disorders
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Self-help groups, HIV early intervention and sober housing services

Dauphin Way Lodge

Dauphin Way Lodge is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Mobile, Alabama, 36604 zip code.

Location: 1009 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36604 in Mobile County

Rehab services:

  • Payment assistance available
  • Regular outpatient drug treatment, outpatient drug services and residential drug rehab
  • Social skills development, mental health services and mentoring
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men and judicial clients treatment

Pathfinder Inc

Pathfinder Inc is an inpatient drug rehab center in Huntsville, Alabama, 35805 zip code.

Location: 3104 Ivy Avenue SW, Huntsville, AL 35805 in Madison County

Rehab services:

  • Halfway and sober housing
  • Long-term drug rehab and long term residential drug rehab
  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Peer support, self-help groups and help with transportation

Phoenix House Inc

Phoenix House Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 35401 zip code.

Location: 700 35th Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 in Tuscaloosa County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Transitional and sober living
  • Drug rehab for postpartum women, rehab for people with trauma and sexual abuse victims rehab
  • One year inpatient drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Payment assistance available
  • Group meetings, transportation assistance and social skills training

Anniston Fellowship House Inc

Anniston Fellowship House Inc is an in-patient drug rehab center in Anniston, AL, 36201 zip code.

Location: 106 East 22nd Street, Anniston, AL 36201 in Calhoun County

Rehab services:

  • 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult males
  • Social skills development, case management and HIV early intervention
  • Transitional housing
  • Accepts self payment and cash

Bradford Health Services Warrior

Bradford Health Services Warrior is an inpatient drug rehab center in Warrior, Alabama, 35180 zip code.

Location: 1189 Allbritton Road, Warrior, AL 35180 in Jefferson County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Military insurance
  • Drug rehab for vets, drug rehab for transitional-age young adults and rehab for active duty military
  • Residential drug detox, 90 day inpatient drug rehab and 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • In-patient methamphetamines detoxification, residential benzodiazepines detox and inpatient opioid detoxification
  • Peer support

Rapha Treatment Center

Rapha Treatment Center is an inpatient drug rehab center in Attalla, AL, 35954 zip code.

Location: 677 West Covington Avenue, Attalla, AL 35954 in Etowah County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Group meetings, social skills training and case management
  • Accepts private health insurance
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs, residential drug rehab and 90 day and 1 year inpatient drug rehab
  • Payment assistance available

Indian Rivers Mental Health Center A Womans Place

Indian Rivers Mental Health Center A Womans Place is an inpatient drug rehab in Tuscaloosa, AL, 35401 zip code.

Location: 2209 9th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 in Tuscaloosa County

Rehab services:

  • Sliding fee scale
  • Accepts Medicaid
  • Long term drug rehab and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Help with transportation, mental health services and sober housing services
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women

Aletheia House

Aletheia House is an inpatient drug rehabilitation center in Birmingham, Alabama, 35222 zip code.

Location: 4246 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222 in Jefferson County

Rehab services:

  • Payment assistance available
  • Residential drug rehab and residential long term drug treatment
  • Accepts private health insurance
  • Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment
  • Judicial clients treatment, dual diagnosis treatment and HIV/AIDS clients
  • HIV early intervention, help with transportation and housing services


Shoulder is an inpatient drug rehab in Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 zip code.

Location: 31214 Coleman Lane, Spanish Fort, AL 36527 in Baldwin County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Drug rehab for transitional-age young adults and in-patient drug rehab for adult men
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • 90 day inpatient drug rehab and long-term drug rehab
  • Self help meetings, social skills development and case managers

Southeast Intervention Group Inc Herring Houses/step By Step Recovery

Southeast Intervention Group Inc Herring Houses/step By Step Recovery is an in-patient drug rehabilitation center in Dothan, Alabama, 36303 zip code.

Location: 101 North Herring Street, Dothan, AL 36303 in Houston County

Rehab services:

  • HIV early intervention, mentoring and self-help groups
  • Transitional housing
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Sliding fee scale

Aletheia House

Aletheia House is an inpatient drug rehab in Birmingham, Alabama, 35204 zip code.

Location: 201 Finley Avenue West, Birmingham, AL 35204 in Jefferson County

Rehab services:

  • Inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis
  • Rehab for people with HIV or AIDS, co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment and judicial clients treatment
  • Intensive outpatient drug treatment program, long-term drug rehab and outpatient drug services
  • Case managers, mental health services and HIV early intervention
  • Provides payment assistance
  • Accepts self payment and cash

Ced Fellowship House Inc

Ced Fellowship House Inc is an in-patient drug rehab in Gadsden, Alabama, 35904 zip code.

Location: 4209 Brooke Avenue, Gadsden, AL 35904 in Etowah County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Long-term residential drug rehab and residential drug rehab
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Rehab for people with HIV or AIDS, addiction treatment for people with co-occurring pain plus substance use and dual diagnosis treatment
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Case managers, social skills training and mentoring

New Life For Women

New Life For Women is an inpatient drug rehab center in Gadsden, Alabama, 35904 zip code.

Location: 102 Centurion Way, Gadsden, AL 35904 in Etowah County

Rehab services:

  • Residential drug rehab, 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs and one year inpatient drug rehab
  • Accepts Federal funding
  • Residential treatment for drug use
  • Residential drug rehab for adult women
  • Housing services, case managers and social skills development

Serenity Care Inc

Serenity Care Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Mobile, Alabama, 36695 zip code.

Location: 1951 Dawes Road, Mobile, AL 36695 in Mobile County

Rehab services:

  • Social skills development, intervention services and mental health services
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Residential drug abuse treatment
  • Accepts Military insurance
  • Long term drug rehab, 60 and 90 day inpatient drug rehab and 30 day inpatient drug rehab programs
  • LGBT drug rehab, sexual abuse victims rehab and rehab for people with trauma

Lighthouse Inc

Lighthouse Inc is an inpatient drug rehab in Cullman, AL, 35055 zip code.

Location: 445 County Road 773, Cullman, AL 35055 in Cullman County

Rehab services:

  • Accepts self payment and cash
  • Residential treatment for drug abuse
  • Recovery management, help with transportation and social skills development
  • Sliding fee scale
  • In-patient drug rehab for adult men, judicial clients treatment and co-occurring addiction and mental health treatment
  • Residential long term drug treatment and long term drug rehab

Call (866) 770-0811 for 24/7 help with treatment.


What kind of drug rehab is available in Alabama?

There are five types of drug rehabilitation centers which are available to people with a drug problem in Alabama:

  1. Conventional live in drug rehab centers. These facilities utilize traditional drug addiction treatment methods which will be effective for most patients. Their treatment options include medication assisted residential drug rehabilitation and other therapies. Health insurance plans most of the time may pay for the fees for live in drug rehab facilities in Alabama, so you can get sober without having to cover out-of-pocket costs.
  2. Holistic residential drug rehab centers in Alabama. In holistic drug rehab centers, holistic addiction treatment methods are taken advantage of to help cure substance addiction. Alabama non-traditional residential drug rehab facilities can also be successful, but they are not for everyone.
  3. Religious residential drug rehab centers in Alabama. A number of residential drug dependency treatment centers concentrate on using religious beliefs in order to help in curing addiction. Alabama rehab centers may be tailored to Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Presbyterian and other religious denominations.
  4. Pet friendly residential drug addiction treatment in Alabama. For drug addicts who are considering to receive treatment in a drug rehabilitation center for an extended period of time and who have a wonderful pet, such as a small dog or cat, where can they take them? The answer is quite simple: take them into the facility. Some residential rehabilitation centers permit patients to get treatment with small pets.
  5. Upscale inpatient drug addiction treatment in Alabama. For those who have the funds for it, high end residential drug dependency treatment centers include the highest level of care and offer luxurious treatments for the duration of drug addiction treatment. Upscale drug treatment centers are typically not paid for by health insurance, or are only partially paid for.

Locate Inpatient Drug Rehab in Alabama by Your City or County:

Frequently Asked Questions About Inpatient Drug Rehabs in Alabama

What is the primary focus of inpatient substance abuse treatment in Alabama?

Inpatient substance abuse treatment in Alabama primarily focuses on providing intensive, 24/7 care and support to individuals struggling with drug addiction. These programs offer a structured environment where patients receive comprehensive therapeutic interventions and medical attention.

How does residential drug rehab differ from outpatient programs in Alabama?

Residential drug rehab in Alabama involves patients residing within the facility throughout the treatment duration, ensuring constant supervision and a focused therapeutic environment. In contrast, outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while residing at home, providing more flexibility but with less immersive care.

What types of therapeutic interventions are commonly offered in in-patient drug addiction treatment in Alabama?

Inpatient drug addiction treatment in Alabama typically includes a range of therapeutic interventions such as individual counseling, group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and holistic approaches. These programs aim to address the psychological, emotional, and behavioral aspects of addiction for comprehensive recovery.

Are specialized inpatient drug rehabs available for specific demographics in Alabama?

Yes, Alabama offers specialized inpatient drug rehabs catering to specific demographics such as gender-specific programs, age-specific facilities, and culturally sensitive treatment centers. These specialized programs aim to address the unique needs and challenges faced by different groups in their journey to recovery.

How long does an average inpatient drug rehab program last in Alabama?

The duration of inpatient drug rehab programs in Alabama can vary, but on average, they last between 30 to 90 days. The length of the program depends on factors such as the severity of addiction, individual progress, and the specific treatment approach adopted by the facility.

What types of aftercare services are typically provided by inpatient drug rehabs in Alabama?

Inpatient drug rehabs in Alabama often provide aftercare services to support individuals post-treatment. These may include outpatient counseling, support groups, relapse prevention programs, and assistance with transitioning back into daily life. Aftercare is crucial for sustained recovery and preventing relapse.

Do inpatient drug rehab programs in Alabama accept insurance?

Many inpatient drug rehab programs in Alabama accept insurance plans. It is advisable to check with the specific facility and the insurance provider to confirm coverage details. Additionally, some facilities may offer financial assistance or sliding scale fees for those without insurance.

What is the role of family involvement in inpatient substance abuse treatment in Alabama?

Family involvement is often encouraged in inpatient substance abuse treatment in Alabama. Family therapy sessions may be offered to address underlying family dynamics and educate loved ones about addiction. This support can enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment and foster a more supportive environment for recovery.

Are detoxification services included in inpatient drug rehabs in Alabama?

Yes, many inpatient drug rehabs in Alabama provide detoxification services as part of their comprehensive treatment programs. Medical professionals closely monitor and manage the detox process to ensure the safety and comfort of individuals undergoing withdrawal from substances.

What should individuals look for when choosing an inpatient drug rehab in Alabama?

When selecting an inpatient drug rehab in Alabama, individuals should consider factors such as accreditation, experienced staff, personalized treatment plans, aftercare services, and the facility's success rates. It's essential to choose a program that aligns with the individual's specific needs and provides a supportive environment for lasting recovery.